
day 1 down...

I survived day 1 of bootcamp this a.m.
I have a smoker hacking cough.
I'm quitting. Even though I kind of want a cigarette even as I type that.
I'm quitting. For good.

I made a smoothie, and coffee. I will eat every 4 hours or so. And I will not make crazy rules for myself. I will just do the best I can.

I joined their weightloss challenge. $20 into the pot. $2 per lb gained. It works like biggest loser - the person w/ the highest % of weight lost wins the pot - or the top 6 ppl do or something like that.

Dude- I am totally going to WIN this shit. Nothing like a little competition to motivate!

I'm going to be sore tomorrow... and there is a "hill" day looming up on signal hill... talk to me then.


lady dragonfly said...

hi paige! i've been checking your blog every once in a while. hope all is well. i moved to DC. anyway i found this book in my closet and re-read it yesterday for amusement. it's a total chick lit book and you may have already read it but it's about a british girl trying to lose weight and she ends up in santa monica which was amusing. it's called Jemima J. the character goes through a lot of what you're going through as it sounds like from your blog, so maybe you can relate a little. Don't expect Hemingway here but it might be fun for you to read.

lady dragonfly said...

by the way, this is Rin!