
still haven't found what i'm looking for

Narrowed down to fast food eating/stuffing in moments of pain and/or stress. <<<--- The major problem. 

Also, feeling success approaching. In moments of anticipation of actual success, I do a 180-turnaround. <<<---The 2nd most common problem.

And while I've improved at saying no to bad influences and overcommitments, I am not stellar at it, yet.


I said, out loud, tonight, I'd have gastric bypass surgery before I'd ever have lasik because I'd rather be thin than be able to see clearly. Out LOUD, I said that. Paused. Thought about it. And then stood by it. Not to mention, I find lasik slightly creepy...

I wonder what it will ultimately take... because I certainly haven't found whatever it is, yet...


maybe it's time

Man, I'm so over this blog. Consume less than you burn, it's so simple.

I read and re-read these posts to figure out exactly where it is that I've been. I think, if I can figure out what I was doing yesterday, or last week, or last month, or the last five years, that then I can figure out how to change it. But that's not really right. Looking back isn't going to change today, this moment, right now.

The trick is to stay mentally in it, right now, right this minute. And to make good choices inside of the "now" moments. 

I am not sure I am even talking about food or exercise right now. My control over food & exercise has always been a reflection or manifestation of how I feel about my life in general at the moment. Since I'm about 100 pounds overweight, you can guess, that's not so great, most of the time.

But I've noticed, I have a lot of friends who are waiting to do things. I've noticed I give out reasonably good advice to my friends, and I think I have a hard time taking it myself. And yet, I think I have actually stopped letting the weight stop me from doing things I want to do.  I mean, I still can't jump out of an airplane, or even sit super comfortably on an airplane for that matter. But I still engage in things I want to do. I don't really let it stop me.  So maybe, just maybe, I do actually have more strength than I think.

Maybe it's time to find out exactly how much strength I have.