I'm growing my hair long- and trying to keep it straight- b/c I think I look thinner that way. I am so lame. :)
Also- I'm already down on my home scale for the week. I've been sticking to "my version" of the WW "Core Plan" and I think its going pretty well. It does require eating at home more- but I'm ok w/ that. And I am gonna sign up for more Hipcooks classes.
Lindsey came and made stuffed green bell peppers w/ me on Sunday. SO yummy- we stuffed w/ a ground turkey concoction. They are only 3 points- but also core. I made the leftover turkey mix into a sort of healthy sloppy joe w/ some frozen whole wheat buns I'd had on Monday and I'm throwing the last little bit into pasta today. I hate leftovers- I'm so proud of myself.
I have a little list of things to pick up at the store today: chocolate soy milk, apples, bananas, grapes, low-sodium popcorn, whole wheat tortillas & salsa ... and to stock up on: my new faves- organic apple granola cereal, pom-green tea & kettle-brewed green-white tea...
I think it's going to be ok. I think I can change the bad stuff and even eventually get pretty good at the good stuff.
Also- for everyone not commenting here and emailing instead :) I really appreciate all of your messages. I'm glad you can relate.
Hahaha! You are so creepy that you linked my name to my picture! :)
must.find! that stuffed peppper recipe!
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