

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): If anyone chastises you for focusing small, you'll have the last laugh. It's the details that make or break your project. -- LA Times 5/5/08

That's my horoscope for today. Of COURSE it is.

I didn't walk- and I didn't weigh-in this weekend. Don't worry, I'm going bright and early Monday a.m.- oh wait, that's now.

I think I will stay the same- or maybe gain a little. I'm not really sure as I haven't been stepping on my home scale. As of the middle of last week, I was down... but things change in an instant.

A phone call. Good news or bad. A missed deadline. Getting unexpectedly sucked back into anticipation and hoping-- only to realize again you were right to be jaded in the first place.

"Expectation is the root of all heartache"

"Forgiveness is accepting that the past could have been any different"

Well I've stopped expecting, and I don't really forgive much either.

Researching a hypothetical death. It should've been Fear and Loathing in Los Angeles.

I think I'm counting points. So worthless- oh wait- that's what might keep me alive longer. Pay attention.

I'm hungry right now. What if I just had a cigarette and a tall drink of water instead? A glass of water won't quench the thirst alone.

"I think I will stay the same- or maybe gain a little." ... not weight, perspective.

1 comment:

LB said...

there will be many hurdles like this in your weight-loss effort, this is just one of the many. These moments/hurdles are in all of our lives in some way - yours is in your weight, other people's, elsewhere.

Keep going! You can do it!
