So it's been a few years since I've posted on this blog... in that time, my boyfriend became my husband. I put on all the weight and more that I lost just before I met him. I tried to lose some more weight before my wedding but was reasonably satisfied with where I was at - at that time. And I was happy.
In a few short years... my life changed significantly, and was ... is ... wonderful.
I got engaged in 2013, married in 2014 & we bought a house in 2015. I stabilized my business that had gone thru the roof in that time in 2016 and in January of 2017, I became pregnant with our baby girl, Shelby. All was right with the world.
At 24 weeks, with our baby due in just 3 short months, she was stillborn and I delivered her on June 26th. There is no reason. Nothing has been right since.
I have drilled the doctors and none of them will tell me the weight was the reason. That's all I really want -- is one of them to man up enough to flat out tell me I killed our baby because of the 100s of extra pounds. But no one will say it. In fact, they argue with me that it was NOT. The most I have ever been able to get out of anyone is that it can be a contributing factor to high blood pressure and that's not great for the baby -- but still not the cause in this situation because I very clearly did not have preeclampsia. Most of them in fact keep telling me how women "much much larger" than me have had perfectly healthy pregnancies. That's supposed to make me feel -- better? There's "no reason you can't try again."
I have read and re-read many of past posts on here and I can't begin to explain how ... elementary ... it all seems now. I started this blog MORE than 10 years ago ... I stated with a goal of completion of the weightloss by the end of '08.... right.
I am both a completely different person, and, exactly the same. I care about so much more - and so much less, now. I'm not sharing this so that someone else could benefit and feel "not alone." I'm not entirely certain why I feel the need to share these thoughts ... but if I had to wager, I'd say it's because I am SO angry with myself, and the world, that I need both an outlet to let out some of the steam to avoid explosion - or implosion. And also because, while this weightloss business was a lonely road before - it is a whole new kind of isolation when combined with a post-partum stillbirth journey. There is not a soul, that I know, that can possibly understand this quiet, relentless, personal hell. I can step outside of it for long, long periods of time, but it hasn't softened, yet. It usually comes at night ... around 9:30pm, and I can feel an ache in my back where the epidural was. There is apparently such a thing as postpartum post traumatic stress - I'm pretty sure I had it intensely in the first month -- that may have actually softened.
So, I can't go to a postpartum pilates class for pelvic floor disorders, because everyone there has a baby. And I can't really keep up in my old classes because I hurt in places I never knew about in my body. And I have to avoid the yoga class I really like because it is scheduled right next to the prenatal yoga classes and I can't possibly risk running into those women if I can't get out of there fast enough. And I can't commiserate with anyone about any of that pelvic pain because you only understand if you've been thru a delivery -- and if you've been thru a delivery then you have a baby, or child-- and pity in your eyes when you talk to me about ANY of the postpartum problems because how AWFUL it must be to deal with saggier breasts and larger feet and lose half your shoes -- which are all a fat girl really has to begin with -- when all of these ailments are supposed to be eased by the joy of having your baby. And you are right -- it is awful.
And good lord help you if you so much as breathe one word to me about your fucking miscarriage -- IT IS NOT THE SAME. I don't care how you frame it - I don't care if you say "I know it's not the same" before you try to tell me how it's the same - I don't care how many weeks or whatever the circumstances - if you are using the word "miscarriage" instead of "stillbirth" -- shut the FUCK up! You do NOT know. Also, if you are now pregnant, thanks for telling me, I appreciate that over seeing it in a facebook post. However, we don't need to talk about it after that. Save it for your mom friends or other pregnant friends. Do not invite me to your shower and do not invite me to anyone else's. Most certainly do not GUSH to me about how excited you are that it's a girl! When you are 24 weeks, imagine, just IMAGINE, having to go to the hospital right this minute to deliver your already dead baby, after having carried her for 6 months, and then tell me I should be on the mend and starting to feel better.
This January, about 1 week shy of the anniversary of becoming pregnant last year, I am 10lbs heavier than I was last year. Which is 20lbs heavier than where I was just after birth around the start of July. And I want to care but I just don't. I mean -- I care ... but I just don't have it in me to care enough to take the right actions. I want to eat whatever the fuck I want. And I don't want to work out. Because it is really painful to workout, do pilates, squat, or even walk more than 15-20 minutes. Also, I simply don't want to put in the work. That's really the bottom line. When I am willing to do the work, I see results. But when I'm not, I gain another 10lbs overnight. I'm just so tired.
And I've read a lot of my old posts - some were just like this - depressing & complaining. Others were super pumped up and inspired. Many of them were pointless. Many more of them coming from a place of hopelessness - and others were motivated & ready to try again. Even the rewards and goals and crazy structures & deadlines I built for myself were ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous! I should not have to create fake rewards for myself like designer purses or dream travel trips -- the reward should be getting to live in a healthy body -- not having to ask for a seat belt extender on a plane -- which has NEVER been true until I became pregnant but it appears that one's just not going away either with how my body has changed. The rewards are -- getting to live a long healthy happy life ... and for some reason I never truly "got that" before. I thought I had to reward myself with a new wardrobe but all that "crap" comes naturally when you actually lose the weight -- it should NOT be your "why."
And in a year when I've had the most business success I've EVER known, it is MEANINGLESS to me now. I can't even enjoy it. Oh and -- no one talks about the finances either -- I have to pay for this baby we don't actually have. We planned our insurance around it and tried to be responsible to minimize cost while allowing dr. selection thru a PPO because I was cautious and careful and wanted to make sure I'd have the best care while being fiscally smart. And knowing I was pregnant last January, we tax-planned around the baby too and all that has gone out the window of course. So I had to pay for this delivery too -- just like we had her healthy & happy. And we'll have to do it again -- g-d-willing -- if we become pregnant again.
So I sit and run #s just like I have my entire life ... if I lose 2lbs/wk that'll be 16lbs in 2 months / 8 weeks. If I lose 3lbs ... if I lose 4lbs... etc. until I decide none of it is attainable and throw it all out again. I've done it the other way around too, let's just focus on one week / one day -- what can I do today to be healthy ... but one day feels like it accomplishes nothing. And I know all about "the compound effect" but I just can't seem to buy into it around weightloss for myself. And, I can't even plan a year of weightloss like my OCD self would like right now because I also have to think about getting pregnant again relatively soon too.
I am pissed off that I should have to put in this magnitude of hard work at this juncture in my life to have something that most people have always had -- a normal sized, a healthy body. I genuinely don't feel that I eat truly differently than healthy normal sized people. In fact I eat healthier, and am more active, than a lot of people in significantly better shape than myself. But it continues to not fucking matter or make a difference.
And I am ANGRY about it. I'm angry about allllllllll of it. The time passes anyway.
Paige Dropping Pounds
The journey: to my goal of weighing 175 lbs.
It's been awhile ...
Detox was successful. Mostly.
The best thing that came out of it was getting off of caffeine. I am officially DEcaffeinated! Yay!
But now it's time for more ... or less, as the case may be.
We've crafted some guidelines (not rules, just guidelines)
1) no fried food
2) no refined sugar
3) no soda (this is already well in effect)
4) lots of water (seems easy, but is hard for me to increase)
5) no eating less than 3 hours before bedtime (also seemingly easy, but need to IMPLEMENT)
6) no extraneous alcohol consumption (subject to interpretation)
7) limited starbucks visits - 2-4 max per week
8) reformer pilates at least 2x/week
9) cardio at least 3x/week -- to be "figured out"
10) keep fruit, veggies & popcorn in the house at all times
11) which means - go grocery (& farmers market) shopping REGULARLY
12) actually make / cook the stuff bought there!
13) get as close to the "paleo" diet as I can handle, at this moment...
I've made these lists before... with hefty goals and markers for success.
Right now, my only goal is to clean out my kitchen tomorrow, and to go grocery shopping for healthiness!
Detox was successful. Mostly.
The best thing that came out of it was getting off of caffeine. I am officially DEcaffeinated! Yay!
But now it's time for more ... or less, as the case may be.
We've crafted some guidelines (not rules, just guidelines)
1) no fried food
2) no refined sugar
3) no soda (this is already well in effect)
4) lots of water (seems easy, but is hard for me to increase)
5) no eating less than 3 hours before bedtime (also seemingly easy, but need to IMPLEMENT)
6) no extraneous alcohol consumption (subject to interpretation)
7) limited starbucks visits - 2-4 max per week
8) reformer pilates at least 2x/week
9) cardio at least 3x/week -- to be "figured out"
10) keep fruit, veggies & popcorn in the house at all times
11) which means - go grocery (& farmers market) shopping REGULARLY
12) actually make / cook the stuff bought there!
13) get as close to the "paleo" diet as I can handle, at this moment...
I've made these lists before... with hefty goals and markers for success.
Right now, my only goal is to clean out my kitchen tomorrow, and to go grocery shopping for healthiness!
2013 ... Detox!
Lessons learned from detox:
Day 1: I am truly addicted to Starbucks. Not only am I physically addicted but I'm habitually addicted as well. I have a LOT more time in my day when I am not wasting time thinking about what I'm going to eat. And where. I think I was truly up to 3 stops a day...
Day 2: caffeine withdrawal hurts. I didn't even stop cold turkey, I'm weaning myself down, and it still hurts, a lot. After a nap, some Advil, a raging hot shower, and some lean protein, I feel MUCH better. #addict
I am really excited about healthy eating and cooking in 2013. I definitely feel my age and see 40 in the far off (but not THAT far off) future and want to be healthy, fit, and energized about life. At least, moreso than I am now.
What I am actually doing...
It's a 21 day detox supervised by Dr. Randy Weinzoff in Santa Monica. There are a MASS of supplements to take, 2 protein shakes per day, 1 piece of lean protein per day, and all the fruits and veggies I like. No salt. No alcohol (obviously).
I did this once before about 2-3 years ago and felt SO amazing by the end of it.
So the plan is to get rid of all my cravings and addictions, heal my digestive tract, and reset myself up for healthy success!
YAY 2013!
Day 1: I am truly addicted to Starbucks. Not only am I physically addicted but I'm habitually addicted as well. I have a LOT more time in my day when I am not wasting time thinking about what I'm going to eat. And where. I think I was truly up to 3 stops a day...
Day 2: caffeine withdrawal hurts. I didn't even stop cold turkey, I'm weaning myself down, and it still hurts, a lot. After a nap, some Advil, a raging hot shower, and some lean protein, I feel MUCH better. #addict
I am really excited about healthy eating and cooking in 2013. I definitely feel my age and see 40 in the far off (but not THAT far off) future and want to be healthy, fit, and energized about life. At least, moreso than I am now.
What I am actually doing...
It's a 21 day detox supervised by Dr. Randy Weinzoff in Santa Monica. There are a MASS of supplements to take, 2 protein shakes per day, 1 piece of lean protein per day, and all the fruits and veggies I like. No salt. No alcohol (obviously).
I did this once before about 2-3 years ago and felt SO amazing by the end of it.
So the plan is to get rid of all my cravings and addictions, heal my digestive tract, and reset myself up for healthy success!
YAY 2013!
I'm back to tracking my food - pretty religiously. I'm back to "fit-bitting-ing" (see for more info on that).
I'm not yet back to the gym. I have fear. Knee-injury-knee-pain-fear. Going back to the gym in January sucks. There, I said it. If you've been going, you're annoyed by all the people there for their (our?) feeble resolutions, clogging up your routine. If you've not been going, you know that they know. And it sucks to feel like you're taking up space -- especially because -- if you haven't been going, you are literally taking up more space than the person next to you.
That can be next week's mission.
This week's mission is the food: tracking the food!
Monday I have an appointment with Dr. Randy Weinzoff. I'm going to do a 3 week cleanse type o thang, with him. I did it once before and had great results and it's a great way to sort of "jump-start" and kill your sugar cravings. I vaguely recall caffeine being eliminated too and I'm really not sure how that's gonna work out for me as I sit in Starbucks typing this... But I'm sure I'll find a way to survive that massive caffeine headache/hangover coming my way.
Meanwhile, let's talk about the motivation that's going to get me there--
Not just clothes, dresses. I'm currently obsessed with this one!
And, did you know? Have you successfully blocked it out? Bathing suit season is coming, bitch!!! There won't be anyplace to hide in just 5 or 6 short short months!
Meanwhile, I am also attentive to the process of changing my work attire to be more "professional" ... and while I aspire to the Nordstrom's shopping one day of sizes under 16... right now, I am really ok with Lane Bryant, for now, not forever.
To be perfectly honest, the clothes and superficial motivations are top-of-mind right now ... they're helping me out!
But ultimately, I just want to FEEL healthy and "comfortable" inside my own body. Not the sort of "comfortable" that means I'm not ok with myself right now ... because as fat people go, I'm pretty awesome. Ha. But I mean actual "comfort" ... It feels so UNcomfortable to not "fit" properly into seats ... or to ache & be out of breath to climb a short flight of stairs ... or to feel your stomach roll over itself when you sit down ... or to wear a pair of great fitting jeans and feel them tighten and squeeze as the day progresses as you get tired ... to not be able to cross your legs in any sort of comfortable way.
All of these little things never really bothered me before. I mean, I've never liked them of course. But I notice they are actually making me tired now... I can physically feel and notice them more. To me, this means, change MUST occur. Soon. Now.
I'm not yet back to the gym. I have fear. Knee-injury-knee-pain-fear. Going back to the gym in January sucks. There, I said it. If you've been going, you're annoyed by all the people there for their (our?) feeble resolutions, clogging up your routine. If you've not been going, you know that they know. And it sucks to feel like you're taking up space -- especially because -- if you haven't been going, you are literally taking up more space than the person next to you.
That can be next week's mission.
This week's mission is the food: tracking the food!
Monday I have an appointment with Dr. Randy Weinzoff. I'm going to do a 3 week cleanse type o thang, with him. I did it once before and had great results and it's a great way to sort of "jump-start" and kill your sugar cravings. I vaguely recall caffeine being eliminated too and I'm really not sure how that's gonna work out for me as I sit in Starbucks typing this... But I'm sure I'll find a way to survive that massive caffeine headache/hangover coming my way.
Meanwhile, let's talk about the motivation that's going to get me there--
Not just clothes, dresses. I'm currently obsessed with this one!
And, did you know? Have you successfully blocked it out? Bathing suit season is coming, bitch!!! There won't be anyplace to hide in just 5 or 6 short short months!
Meanwhile, I am also attentive to the process of changing my work attire to be more "professional" ... and while I aspire to the Nordstrom's shopping one day of sizes under 16... right now, I am really ok with Lane Bryant, for now, not forever.
To be perfectly honest, the clothes and superficial motivations are top-of-mind right now ... they're helping me out!
But ultimately, I just want to FEEL healthy and "comfortable" inside my own body. Not the sort of "comfortable" that means I'm not ok with myself right now ... because as fat people go, I'm pretty awesome. Ha. But I mean actual "comfort" ... It feels so UNcomfortable to not "fit" properly into seats ... or to ache & be out of breath to climb a short flight of stairs ... or to feel your stomach roll over itself when you sit down ... or to wear a pair of great fitting jeans and feel them tighten and squeeze as the day progresses as you get tired ... to not be able to cross your legs in any sort of comfortable way.
All of these little things never really bothered me before. I mean, I've never liked them of course. But I notice they are actually making me tired now... I can physically feel and notice them more. To me, this means, change MUST occur. Soon. Now.
Ready. Set. Go. 2013!
Alright friends ... Here we go!
2012 was an amazing year. I can't complain in the least. I did, however, manage to pack on a few extra pounds.
I've been mentally ready-ing myself for the challenge for the last month ...
I am poised to take back control of my physical self by controlling & tracking food intake, and exercising.
Now, it's time to implement & execute! Daily. Hourly, if need be.
2013, I command you to be awesome!
My motivation:
1. Health -- taking the weight off my knees; lowering my blood pressure; rehabbing my knee; being strong.
2. Clothes -- work clothes; the quintessential "little black dress" desire; not having to obsess over it
3. Fitting better into the Coliseum seats (and any seats for that matter, airlines, movies, etc.)
4. Looking better in photos
5. Physically, feeling better. Period.
Ready to BRING IT in 2013 -- for the best year ever!!!
2012 was an amazing year. I can't complain in the least. I did, however, manage to pack on a few extra pounds.
I've been mentally ready-ing myself for the challenge for the last month ...
I am poised to take back control of my physical self by controlling & tracking food intake, and exercising.
Now, it's time to implement & execute! Daily. Hourly, if need be.
2013, I command you to be awesome!
My motivation:
1. Health -- taking the weight off my knees; lowering my blood pressure; rehabbing my knee; being strong.
2. Clothes -- work clothes; the quintessential "little black dress" desire; not having to obsess over it
3. Fitting better into the Coliseum seats (and any seats for that matter, airlines, movies, etc.)
4. Looking better in photos
5. Physically, feeling better. Period.
Ready to BRING IT in 2013 -- for the best year ever!!!
something new
There are times in your life that you can't wait to forget. And there are others, sweet others, that you wish you could re-live forever. And then, there are the times you wish you could re-live, if just to do it differently! And the times that you've forgotten, but others so graciously remind you, are usually hysterical. But, the singular moments, in which you know you wouldn't change a single thing, those moments make life worth living.
A life can be born, or taken, in just a moment. A life can change, for better, and for worse, in an instant. Everything seems ephemeral. Other times, it is a constant - irregular - series of these instances, that create the change. Sometimes known, sometimes chosen. More often hidden, and subconscious.
With the rain rattling down and a chill in the air I'm struck by how often I've found this cold moment. But the candles are glowing, and my pup is snuggled up, and there is calm. Peace.
I've been working on my business plan and goals for 2013 the last few days, weeks, months, my whole life.
Recurrent items I find are:
"avoid energy vampires"
"adhere to morning routine"
I've said it time and time again, and I've re-committed to the re-commitment repeatedly. But, it's time.
It's time again. To start again. To be committed to consistency, follow-thru & exercise.
I've felt disgust in the past - that's led to success. Disgust drove me to change. It's funny to me that I don't feel that now. I've always felt that. Maybe it's so ingrained in me that I can't feel it anymore. Or, maybe, just maybe, I've found something new to drive this mission.
Maybe it will work this time if, instead of fleeing from the disgust, I am moving toward love.
I was given a charm recently that says "Paige" ... someone gave it to me and I knew instinctively that it was from PAIGE jeans that I've always coveted and never been able to wear. Then they said, "Not everyone has a Paige in their life."
I smiled.
A life can be born, or taken, in just a moment. A life can change, for better, and for worse, in an instant. Everything seems ephemeral. Other times, it is a constant - irregular - series of these instances, that create the change. Sometimes known, sometimes chosen. More often hidden, and subconscious.
With the rain rattling down and a chill in the air I'm struck by how often I've found this cold moment. But the candles are glowing, and my pup is snuggled up, and there is calm. Peace.
I've been working on my business plan and goals for 2013 the last few days, weeks, months, my whole life.
Recurrent items I find are:
"avoid energy vampires"
"adhere to morning routine"
I've said it time and time again, and I've re-committed to the re-commitment repeatedly. But, it's time.
It's time again. To start again. To be committed to consistency, follow-thru & exercise.
I've felt disgust in the past - that's led to success. Disgust drove me to change. It's funny to me that I don't feel that now. I've always felt that. Maybe it's so ingrained in me that I can't feel it anymore. Or, maybe, just maybe, I've found something new to drive this mission.
Maybe it will work this time if, instead of fleeing from the disgust, I am moving toward love.
I was given a charm recently that says "Paige" ... someone gave it to me and I knew instinctively that it was from PAIGE jeans that I've always coveted and never been able to wear. Then they said, "Not everyone has a Paige in their life."
I smiled.
how quickly we forget
How quickly we forget ...
I made a 30 day commitment and then thanksgiving hit and it all went to hell.
Well, not today. Today I am back on track and tracking my food -- and making good choices!
I still have 3 weeks until the 12/13 holiday party, and I have re-focused myself. I don't need to use the holiday season as an excuse. Nor do I need to deny myself some small indulgences of the season. But, they should be SMALL. And managed. And planned for. And accounted for. And again, SMALL.
I've had a very good day. It shall continue . . .
I made a 30 day commitment and then thanksgiving hit and it all went to hell.
Well, not today. Today I am back on track and tracking my food -- and making good choices!
I still have 3 weeks until the 12/13 holiday party, and I have re-focused myself. I don't need to use the holiday season as an excuse. Nor do I need to deny myself some small indulgences of the season. But, they should be SMALL. And managed. And planned for. And accounted for. And again, SMALL.
I've had a very good day. It shall continue . . .
10 pounds. 30 days. Boom.
So, we have a new goal on the horizon: boyfriend's holiday party! Not just any holiday party, a Hollywood Holiday Party. So, the online dress shopping has already commenced. And thus, the hardcore diet is in full effect. I have exactly 30 days. The goal is 10 pounds, I'll settle for 8. Nothing less. I think short term goals are actually more beneficial to me. Long term goals are important but feel less tangible. Wanting to look and feel my best at this party will keep me focused during a most critical weight-gain time of year.
I'm sort of excited ... I know I can do it. I have every confidence.
I thought about doing a cleanse -- and will probably do that after the start of the year with Dr. Weinzoff. It's just not realistic to do that over Thanksgiving & this whole season. But it's coming, soon enough!
I look forward to some creative cooking and homebody-ness to get this $h!t done -- 30 day countdown -- bring it on!
November ...
There's something about November that makes me happy.
Maybe it's that it's finally "holiday season" without the stress that comes along with official busy-ness of Holiday Season.
Comfort foods abound. Homey scents are everywhere.

Peace & love & harmony seem to be the theme of the times. And the weather demands we stay home a little bit more (or we pretend that it demands.)
Football season is well underway and the fun times with friends are casual, often-themed, and always super-fun!
I really do love November & it always seems to go by so fast.
And somehow, this happy time translates into control over food simply by the sheer nature of feeling happy, and in control of the schedule!
Despite the abundance of yummy food around during this time... November I typically am able to take charge of!
Maybe it's that it's finally "holiday season" without the stress that comes along with official busy-ness of Holiday Season.

Peace & love & harmony seem to be the theme of the times. And the weather demands we stay home a little bit more (or we pretend that it demands.)
Football season is well underway and the fun times with friends are casual, often-themed, and always super-fun!
I really do love November & it always seems to go by so fast.
And somehow, this happy time translates into control over food simply by the sheer nature of feeling happy, and in control of the schedule!
Despite the abundance of yummy food around during this time... November I typically am able to take charge of!
... in check ...
-- MyFitnessPal
-- Working out with Jaime
-- Cooking & Making my own food
-- Cutting down on the eating out
-- Working Hard Daily to Make Allowances for "fun" / "derailment" once/week
I love fall & the holiday season!
I feel like the pieces of the puzzle are SLOWLY being put together and I really REALLY finally feel like I can truly accomplish my goals within a year! And that is a manageable time frame!
And, I'm happy!
Success has always followed when I get my mindset and attitude about my body in check...
-- Working out with Jaime
-- Cooking & Making my own food
-- Cutting down on the eating out
-- Working Hard Daily to Make Allowances for "fun" / "derailment" once/week
I love fall & the holiday season!
I feel like the pieces of the puzzle are SLOWLY being put together and I really REALLY finally feel like I can truly accomplish my goals within a year! And that is a manageable time frame!
And, I'm happy!
Success has always followed when I get my mindset and attitude about my body in check...
my favorite time of year!
I did not have time to think about eating crap today. And luckily, I am still stocked up enough, that I can mindlessly eat healthy.
I have also learned having a cliff bar in the middle of the day works wonders to keep me on track.
Using my fitbit, I realize that going on more walks with Teddy is not only good for him, but good for me to get my # of steps up...
And I also realize that using the fitbit, period, is critical, so I know, on a day where I have exerted more energy than normal, I have some space in there to eat a little bit more. And I know that if I did not have this information, trying to stick to 1500 calories, always, would be quite difficult.
It's almost my birthday - this is a time of taking control for me! It's my favorite time of the year! Except maybe January, I like January a lot too.
I have also learned having a cliff bar in the middle of the day works wonders to keep me on track.
Using my fitbit, I realize that going on more walks with Teddy is not only good for him, but good for me to get my # of steps up...
And I also realize that using the fitbit, period, is critical, so I know, on a day where I have exerted more energy than normal, I have some space in there to eat a little bit more. And I know that if I did not have this information, trying to stick to 1500 calories, always, would be quite difficult.
It's almost my birthday - this is a time of taking control for me! It's my favorite time of the year! Except maybe January, I like January a lot too.
no day but today
Oh, so if I walk a little bit more, I can eat a little bit more and not deprive myself. And if I pack a few healthy items in my purse (or in a cooler on a freakishly hot day like today) then I'm not caught starving and throwing away 500 calories on a latte and cinnamon swirl thang. It's amazing what you can (re)learn in a day.
Truth be told, I did walk - a lot - today. I had to for work. And that was good for me, health-wise AND work-wise. So maybe I should keep doing THAT.
I still have about 400 calories left today - and while I may have one more mini ice cream bar or some fruit, I think I'm done for the day and that feels pretty good, I gotta say.
Baby steps...
No day but today ...
Truth be told, I did walk - a lot - today. I had to for work. And that was good for me, health-wise AND work-wise. So maybe I should keep doing THAT.
I still have about 400 calories left today - and while I may have one more mini ice cream bar or some fruit, I think I'm done for the day and that feels pretty good, I gotta say.
Baby steps...
No day but today ...
Keep Calm and Fight On
I've been writing - weekly or more - draft, after draft, re-writes galore. But I haven't been publishing... because I think it's just such bs. I needed to get it out - but it's all such bs. Whining. Excuses. Bitching. Blaming. Eff'd up backwards logic talking myself out of doing what I know needs to be done.
I hired a business coach - and it's already helped immensely. At the start of last year, when I hired a trainer at 24hrfitness, it was immensely helpful and I was successful. So, I think I'm pretty coachable... but now I need to work on finding the self-motivation, the self-discipline, the strength to stay the course and avoid my self-sabotaging inner critic.
I'm watching Exteme Makeover Weightloss Edition right now.
Here's what their plan is: 2000 cal / day. Low Sugar. Low Sodium. Weight Training 3x / week. Cardio training 6x / week. All for approx 10 lbs lost / week. (for a male, about 545lbs. [Btw, it's all football related - such great timing w/ pre-season, and somehow so motivating to me!]
MyFitnessPal wants me on 1520 calories/day to lose 2 lbs a week which I've been hitting pretty successfully the past few days. But I need to revise the contents of those 1500 calories.
I have high blood pressure. I had my gall bladder out around 25. I just had knee surgery a month ago.
The time is now.
My Goals:
-- 1520 calories per day via MyFitnessPal & FitBit tracking (& to track my food every day)
-- Cardio Training 5 days per week - 3 on the bike, and 2 doing something else - maybe swimming
-- Weight Training 2 days per week - possibly w/ a trainer (ahem, Jaime Nemirow, get ready girl)
-- I have no idea what #s that will equate to weekly but as long as it's a loss, and I'm not injuring myself, I think it'll be good.
-- Additionally, I'm eliminating fast food and slowly, slowly, I'm going to eliminate Starbucks. To start, I will need it, but eventually, it will have to go. I am not going to say I won't eat out. But I'm going to aim for 1-2 times per week at a max.
So, the carrot in front of the Makeover show is 2 tix to the super bowl. I need a carrot. So - 20 weeks... 2 lbs / week = 40 lbs. So, I'm gonna make it a stretch goal of 50 lbs off by January 1st. And if I can do that, when I do that, I am going to reward myself with a Louis Vuitton purse. Which will also require some serious saving. But I think all the money I spend eating out, eating fast food, & being unhealthy in general will add up. And then, when I can carry that purse around with me every day, it will be a reminder every day, that I can set up the next goal and achieve it. I think it seems like a shallow, superficial reward. Like, I should reward myself with a trip to a healthy spa or something instead. But I'm not even going to question it - it's the first thing that came to mind, so I'm rolling with it.
OMG - continuing watching "Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition" -- the NFL experience at the SuperBowl looks AWESOME. Do people know about this? Why have I never known about this? Training camp set up at the Super Bowl is SO cool! I want to try that one day. Chris Powell might be my newest favorite! HEART him! I swear he's just using his show to get "in" w/ the NFL but that's ok by me!
Yep - purses and football - welcome to how this girl thinks! Ha!
It seems to me that the most important thing here is to not let "set-backs" derail me. I've always been pretty successful at a start. I can go hard-- for awhile. But then, I let something turn me off-track and I am DETERMINED to not let that happen this time. I mean, I'm sure I'll FEEL like derailing. But I'm not going to let minor set-backs, become major problems.
I LOVE Fall. it is my favorite season of the year. All things autumnal make me happy. I know I can be successful around this time of year -- at ANYthing I put my mind to.
I'm using this theme for business, so I think I'm going to use it for this too:
I hired a business coach - and it's already helped immensely. At the start of last year, when I hired a trainer at 24hrfitness, it was immensely helpful and I was successful. So, I think I'm pretty coachable... but now I need to work on finding the self-motivation, the self-discipline, the strength to stay the course and avoid my self-sabotaging inner critic.
I'm watching Exteme Makeover Weightloss Edition right now.
Here's what their plan is: 2000 cal / day. Low Sugar. Low Sodium. Weight Training 3x / week. Cardio training 6x / week. All for approx 10 lbs lost / week. (for a male, about 545lbs. [Btw, it's all football related - such great timing w/ pre-season, and somehow so motivating to me!]
MyFitnessPal wants me on 1520 calories/day to lose 2 lbs a week which I've been hitting pretty successfully the past few days. But I need to revise the contents of those 1500 calories.
I have high blood pressure. I had my gall bladder out around 25. I just had knee surgery a month ago.
The time is now.
My Goals:
-- 1520 calories per day via MyFitnessPal & FitBit tracking (& to track my food every day)
-- Cardio Training 5 days per week - 3 on the bike, and 2 doing something else - maybe swimming
-- Weight Training 2 days per week - possibly w/ a trainer (ahem, Jaime Nemirow, get ready girl)
-- I have no idea what #s that will equate to weekly but as long as it's a loss, and I'm not injuring myself, I think it'll be good.
-- Additionally, I'm eliminating fast food and slowly, slowly, I'm going to eliminate Starbucks. To start, I will need it, but eventually, it will have to go. I am not going to say I won't eat out. But I'm going to aim for 1-2 times per week at a max.
So, the carrot in front of the Makeover show is 2 tix to the super bowl. I need a carrot. So - 20 weeks... 2 lbs / week = 40 lbs. So, I'm gonna make it a stretch goal of 50 lbs off by January 1st. And if I can do that, when I do that, I am going to reward myself with a Louis Vuitton purse. Which will also require some serious saving. But I think all the money I spend eating out, eating fast food, & being unhealthy in general will add up. And then, when I can carry that purse around with me every day, it will be a reminder every day, that I can set up the next goal and achieve it. I think it seems like a shallow, superficial reward. Like, I should reward myself with a trip to a healthy spa or something instead. But I'm not even going to question it - it's the first thing that came to mind, so I'm rolling with it.
OMG - continuing watching "Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition" -- the NFL experience at the SuperBowl looks AWESOME. Do people know about this? Why have I never known about this? Training camp set up at the Super Bowl is SO cool! I want to try that one day. Chris Powell might be my newest favorite! HEART him! I swear he's just using his show to get "in" w/ the NFL but that's ok by me!
Yep - purses and football - welcome to how this girl thinks! Ha!
It seems to me that the most important thing here is to not let "set-backs" derail me. I've always been pretty successful at a start. I can go hard-- for awhile. But then, I let something turn me off-track and I am DETERMINED to not let that happen this time. I mean, I'm sure I'll FEEL like derailing. But I'm not going to let minor set-backs, become major problems.
I LOVE Fall. it is my favorite season of the year. All things autumnal make me happy. I know I can be successful around this time of year -- at ANYthing I put my mind to.
I'm using this theme for business, so I think I'm going to use it for this too:
Keep Calm & Fight On!
I want it back
I think I'm ready to try again. I want it back. I have this photo at a wedding on the beach last July 30th. And I was SO happy that day. So incredibly happy. And I had been for months. Because I'd been dedicated to losing the weight. I worked with my trainer 3 days a week and I thought about what I ate and when I was exercising, constantly. My life revolved around it. People got sick of my facebook check-in's at 24 hour fitness, but I was really happy.
Every time you start again after failing, or succeeding, but then ceding, to failure, it seems harder... less attainable somehow. Maybe that's why at 32, after having started dieting by the 5th grade, it seems almost impossible.
I'm really tired of whining about it and thinking about it and analyzing it and dreaming about how it could be. It's very Nike-ish now... time to Just Do It.
My current goal is to lose 10 lbs by June 18th. That's it. I've made enough excel spreadsheets to last a lifetime. I don't need to do that anymore. I need to just look at one small, manageable goal at a time, hit it, and keep going.
I want to turn this blog around too. I want it to be less oriented on the "bitch" and more about new, fun, healthy things I'm trying or have found or discovered. It's my goal to report back on 2-4 "healthy" things I've tried or incorporated each week.
I'm up about 20 lbs since last September ... it's time to take it off ... and keep going.
Wanna know what inspired this post? Read about the 9 things no one wants to regret when they're older ...
Every time you start again after failing, or succeeding, but then ceding, to failure, it seems harder... less attainable somehow. Maybe that's why at 32, after having started dieting by the 5th grade, it seems almost impossible.
I'm really tired of whining about it and thinking about it and analyzing it and dreaming about how it could be. It's very Nike-ish now... time to Just Do It.
My current goal is to lose 10 lbs by June 18th. That's it. I've made enough excel spreadsheets to last a lifetime. I don't need to do that anymore. I need to just look at one small, manageable goal at a time, hit it, and keep going.
I want to turn this blog around too. I want it to be less oriented on the "bitch" and more about new, fun, healthy things I'm trying or have found or discovered. It's my goal to report back on 2-4 "healthy" things I've tried or incorporated each week.
I'm up about 20 lbs since last September ... it's time to take it off ... and keep going.
Wanna know what inspired this post? Read about the 9 things no one wants to regret when they're older ...
still haven't found what i'm looking for
Narrowed down to fast food eating/stuffing in moments of pain and/or stress. <<<--- The major problem.
Also, feeling success approaching. In moments of anticipation of actual success, I do a 180-turnaround. <<<---The 2nd most common problem.
And while I've improved at saying no to bad influences and overcommitments, I am not stellar at it, yet.
I said, out loud, tonight, I'd have gastric bypass surgery before I'd ever have lasik because I'd rather be thin than be able to see clearly. Out LOUD, I said that. Paused. Thought about it. And then stood by it. Not to mention, I find lasik slightly creepy...
I wonder what it will ultimately take... because I certainly haven't found whatever it is, yet...
Also, feeling success approaching. In moments of anticipation of actual success, I do a 180-turnaround. <<<---The 2nd most common problem.
And while I've improved at saying no to bad influences and overcommitments, I am not stellar at it, yet.
I said, out loud, tonight, I'd have gastric bypass surgery before I'd ever have lasik because I'd rather be thin than be able to see clearly. Out LOUD, I said that. Paused. Thought about it. And then stood by it. Not to mention, I find lasik slightly creepy...
I wonder what it will ultimately take... because I certainly haven't found whatever it is, yet...
maybe it's time
Man, I'm so over this blog. Consume less than you burn, it's so simple.
I read and re-read these posts to figure out exactly where it is that I've been. I think, if I can figure out what I was doing yesterday, or last week, or last month, or the last five years, that then I can figure out how to change it. But that's not really right. Looking back isn't going to change today, this moment, right now.
The trick is to stay mentally in it, right now, right this minute. And to make good choices inside of the "now" moments.
I am not sure I am even talking about food or exercise right now. My control over food & exercise has always been a reflection or manifestation of how I feel about my life in general at the moment. Since I'm about 100 pounds overweight, you can guess, that's not so great, most of the time.
But I've noticed, I have a lot of friends who are waiting to do things. I've noticed I give out reasonably good advice to my friends, and I think I have a hard time taking it myself. And yet, I think I have actually stopped letting the weight stop me from doing things I want to do. I mean, I still can't jump out of an airplane, or even sit super comfortably on an airplane for that matter. But I still engage in things I want to do. I don't really let it stop me. So maybe, just maybe, I do actually have more strength than I think.
Maybe it's time to find out exactly how much strength I have.
I read and re-read these posts to figure out exactly where it is that I've been. I think, if I can figure out what I was doing yesterday, or last week, or last month, or the last five years, that then I can figure out how to change it. But that's not really right. Looking back isn't going to change today, this moment, right now.
The trick is to stay mentally in it, right now, right this minute. And to make good choices inside of the "now" moments.
I am not sure I am even talking about food or exercise right now. My control over food & exercise has always been a reflection or manifestation of how I feel about my life in general at the moment. Since I'm about 100 pounds overweight, you can guess, that's not so great, most of the time.
But I've noticed, I have a lot of friends who are waiting to do things. I've noticed I give out reasonably good advice to my friends, and I think I have a hard time taking it myself. And yet, I think I have actually stopped letting the weight stop me from doing things I want to do. I mean, I still can't jump out of an airplane, or even sit super comfortably on an airplane for that matter. But I still engage in things I want to do. I don't really let it stop me. So maybe, just maybe, I do actually have more strength than I think.
Maybe it's time to find out exactly how much strength I have.
I've written many drafts lately. But I'm tired of sounding like / being a pity party.
Tonight, I went to el pollo loco, trader joes, and then in n out. Comfort.
You know what every SINGLE post on this blog has in common (besides the fact that I wrote it of coure) ... I lived in Long Beach writing it.
About a year ago, I'd been working out w my trainer for about 2 months. I'm about to head to Vegas on the same trip... I found the gym on that trip. I swore by this time, this year, I'd have lost ALL the weight. You know... "never again" blah blah...
Big changes are coming.
Tonight, I went to el pollo loco, trader joes, and then in n out. Comfort.
You know what every SINGLE post on this blog has in common (besides the fact that I wrote it of coure) ... I lived in Long Beach writing it.
About a year ago, I'd been working out w my trainer for about 2 months. I'm about to head to Vegas on the same trip... I found the gym on that trip. I swore by this time, this year, I'd have lost ALL the weight. You know... "never again" blah blah...
Big changes are coming.
silently speaking volumes
2.5.12: Sunday night...
So the half marathon is complete. I start this post from my iPad, in bed, hurting. My body hates me right now. But it's ok- it will forgive in a few days.
I thought I would feel more, different. More, changed.
I don't FEEL it, but I KNOW I am, regardless.
I forgot how much it actually hurts ( must be similar to childbirth in some way) if you don't train fully.
I am freaking in love with my medal.
There are so many lessons but I think what I didn't expect, what stands out the most to me, is that it was easier doing it with a friend. The pain was less. The miles went by faster. It is easier to dance, sing out loud, and be silly on the course, with a friend by your side. I mean let's face it, the girl hula hooping her hips thru 13 miles wasn't making any friends doing so. Literally, she never stopped hula hooping as she walked (we got video). But I digress. The point is that the work, the pain, is lessened with friends along for the ride. And life is like that too. And I know it's simplistic, but it bears repeating.
2.6.12: Monday...
I think I love the running, and tolerate the pain, because in the end I did this on my own. No one can take it away from me. If I cross that finish line, I own it -- alone. No matter who did, or did not, help me across that finish line, it is mine. And no one can take that away. I had to go back through this paragraph, and change the subject to "I." And, that speaks volumes. I don't even think in terms of myself. I think in terms of "you," or "he" or "she." This is inherently the problem.
I want a big change. I need a big change. I am not in love with my life, and want to be, desperately. I hope I can figure it out through the miles; I don't know how to do this.
2.6.12: Monday night ...
I went back to Weight Watchers tonight, and I'm definitely "up," but I know that is fleeting and that I'll get it back together. I honestly hated everyone in that meeting. I hated the leader who is exceptionally perky & annoying and talks to us as if we're 8 years old. I hated the couple doing it together. I hated the woman who lost 30lbs. And I especially hated the very calm woman who lost her 10% and got her 10% keychain. That damn keychain has always eluded me. I have always gotten to within 5lbs of my celebrated "10%" weightloss, and then turned around and started packing the lbs. back on. This is continually a problem where I get to the brink of success, and then turn around. It is continually a problem that I have started to despise happy couples because I want so much to be a part of one. It is continually a problem that I see someone doing what I want to do, and it stagnates me. I don't know how to fix this.
I am drowning in jealousy.
What has ultimately come from this most recent 13.1, is a feeling of isolation. I don't want to be a part of the kickball party. I don't feel accomplished enough to hang out with my college friends. And I don't even want to be around my best friends who accept me no matter what, because I am tired of fronting. I am tired of pretending everything is ok. It is not ok. I am not happy. And I don't know how to fix this.
"Your body will forgive you, but your mind never will" ... got me through 26.2 once upon a time. Now I'm trying to figure out how to forgive the past, so that I can create a better future. I don't know how to do this.
2.15.12: Wednesday morning ...
A week and a day. I waited to publish the above rant because I knew it needed to wait, to stew. And I let my friends in. That helped, mostly. But only a little bit.
I keep thinking about how this was supposed to be a weightloss blog, and has turned into an emotional free-fall. But at it's core, people who have real weight to lose, have to emotionally free-fall at some point. You see it happen weekly on the Biggest Loser. That's one of the reasons Jillian was such a huge loss to that show-- not (just) because she's an amazing trainer - but because she can innately tap into that one conversation that forces someone OUT of the emotional free-fall into the dedicated hardwork. The hard work will not last if that connection hasn't been ironed into someone's deepest core.
I keep thinking about how in 2011, from January to July, I made all those small changes people talk about to add up to a "lifestyle change." I did it right. I really did. I was reaching full success. I had 6 months of SOLID - rock, solid - changes - that led to a happier & healthier me. But I didn't believe I really deserved it. And in a matter of weeks from July 6th to August 12th, it died. It was gone. And I tried to pretend, for a few months, that I hadn't lost everything. I tried to pretend I hadn't lost my way. I tried to pretend I hadn't made mistakes. I tried to pretend I didn't care about some things. I tried to pretend I did care about others. I tried to pretend I wasn't hurting. I dived into other people hurting. I let people hurt me and didn't even feel it. I didn't feel it then because I was so engrossed in my own internal pain that I couldn't even feel when other people were treating me poorly. And now it's catching up to me. The walls are coming down, I'm free falling. It's scary and vulnerable and awful. But it's so good. It's so good.
2.15.12: Wednesday ...
I'm working on my freedom.
Sometimes I hear my voice...
Years go by will I still be waiting to understand
So the half marathon is complete. I start this post from my iPad, in bed, hurting. My body hates me right now. But it's ok- it will forgive in a few days.
I thought I would feel more, different. More, changed.
I don't FEEL it, but I KNOW I am, regardless.
I forgot how much it actually hurts ( must be similar to childbirth in some way) if you don't train fully.
I am freaking in love with my medal.
There are so many lessons but I think what I didn't expect, what stands out the most to me, is that it was easier doing it with a friend. The pain was less. The miles went by faster. It is easier to dance, sing out loud, and be silly on the course, with a friend by your side. I mean let's face it, the girl hula hooping her hips thru 13 miles wasn't making any friends doing so. Literally, she never stopped hula hooping as she walked (we got video). But I digress. The point is that the work, the pain, is lessened with friends along for the ride. And life is like that too. And I know it's simplistic, but it bears repeating.
2.6.12: Monday...
I think I love the running, and tolerate the pain, because in the end I did this on my own. No one can take it away from me. If I cross that finish line, I own it -- alone. No matter who did, or did not, help me across that finish line, it is mine. And no one can take that away. I had to go back through this paragraph, and change the subject to "I." And, that speaks volumes. I don't even think in terms of myself. I think in terms of "you," or "he" or "she." This is inherently the problem.
I want a big change. I need a big change. I am not in love with my life, and want to be, desperately. I hope I can figure it out through the miles; I don't know how to do this.
2.6.12: Monday night ...
I went back to Weight Watchers tonight, and I'm definitely "up," but I know that is fleeting and that I'll get it back together. I honestly hated everyone in that meeting. I hated the leader who is exceptionally perky & annoying and talks to us as if we're 8 years old. I hated the couple doing it together. I hated the woman who lost 30lbs. And I especially hated the very calm woman who lost her 10% and got her 10% keychain. That damn keychain has always eluded me. I have always gotten to within 5lbs of my celebrated "10%" weightloss, and then turned around and started packing the lbs. back on. This is continually a problem where I get to the brink of success, and then turn around. It is continually a problem that I have started to despise happy couples because I want so much to be a part of one. It is continually a problem that I see someone doing what I want to do, and it stagnates me. I don't know how to fix this.
I am drowning in jealousy.
What has ultimately come from this most recent 13.1, is a feeling of isolation. I don't want to be a part of the kickball party. I don't feel accomplished enough to hang out with my college friends. And I don't even want to be around my best friends who accept me no matter what, because I am tired of fronting. I am tired of pretending everything is ok. It is not ok. I am not happy. And I don't know how to fix this.
"Your body will forgive you, but your mind never will" ... got me through 26.2 once upon a time. Now I'm trying to figure out how to forgive the past, so that I can create a better future. I don't know how to do this.
2.15.12: Wednesday morning ...
A week and a day. I waited to publish the above rant because I knew it needed to wait, to stew. And I let my friends in. That helped, mostly. But only a little bit.
I keep thinking about how this was supposed to be a weightloss blog, and has turned into an emotional free-fall. But at it's core, people who have real weight to lose, have to emotionally free-fall at some point. You see it happen weekly on the Biggest Loser. That's one of the reasons Jillian was such a huge loss to that show-- not (just) because she's an amazing trainer - but because she can innately tap into that one conversation that forces someone OUT of the emotional free-fall into the dedicated hardwork. The hard work will not last if that connection hasn't been ironed into someone's deepest core.
I keep thinking about how in 2011, from January to July, I made all those small changes people talk about to add up to a "lifestyle change." I did it right. I really did. I was reaching full success. I had 6 months of SOLID - rock, solid - changes - that led to a happier & healthier me. But I didn't believe I really deserved it. And in a matter of weeks from July 6th to August 12th, it died. It was gone. And I tried to pretend, for a few months, that I hadn't lost everything. I tried to pretend I hadn't lost my way. I tried to pretend I hadn't made mistakes. I tried to pretend I didn't care about some things. I tried to pretend I did care about others. I tried to pretend I wasn't hurting. I dived into other people hurting. I let people hurt me and didn't even feel it. I didn't feel it then because I was so engrossed in my own internal pain that I couldn't even feel when other people were treating me poorly. And now it's catching up to me. The walls are coming down, I'm free falling. It's scary and vulnerable and awful. But it's so good. It's so good.
2.15.12: Wednesday ...
I'm working on my freedom.
Sometimes I hear my voice...
Years go by will I still be waiting to understand
maybe I needed to find the anger
So... we're 2-3 days out from the Surf City Half Marathon. 13.1 miles. I haven't trained enough. Let's be honest, I haven't trained ... nearly ... enough. I don't care. I know, in my gut, that I can and will finish the miles. I also know that I desperately need to do this. I can't wait. I mean, I'm scared. I know it will take a long long time and I know I will hurt. But, I know I need to do this.
My life was affected deeply by some events in early August, and I just haven't been the same since. I have a photo at a friend's wedding, on July 30th, and I know I was crazy happy then. I know that from January to July of last year, I made incredible strides in my journey, and that it all came to a crashing halt in August. Last January, I got Teddy. Last February, I started with my trainer. Last March, I went to Vegas and actually found the gym inside my hotel there. Last April, I went to Stagecoach and had energy to survive a crazy festival & got to wear clothes I liked and met hot guys & had raging self-confidence. Last May & June I dated, a lot, and had so much fun doing so. And I closed a bunch of deals and was on my way to really being happy.
I remember one afternoon walking out of my house in sporty shorts & a tank top to walk Teddy, with my hair piled on top of my head, and shades, of course, and I remember looking up at the sunshine and feeling like "Ahhh, so this is what it feels like."
And then I let it all fall apart. And THAT - is over. I know that having that medal hang around my neck is what I need to propel me into the goodness again. I often think about this concept:
"Forgiveness is accepting the fact that the past could have been any different."
I struggle with this - every single day.
And it shows in my weight. It manifests there. But I am actively working on it. I am angry.
They say there are 5 stages of grief:
1) Denial & Isolation
2) Anger
3) Bargaining
4) Depression
5) Acceptance
I'm hanging out in anger right now. Sometimes I find myself bargaining, and sometimes it's just simple depression. But mostly, I'm angry. It sounds so simple, but I have so much rage I don't know what to do with it and so I eat it away. Sometimes I scream. The other day I screamed so much I was actually, visibly shaking when I hung up the phone. It didn't subside for a few minutes. I almost threw my phone across the room recently. Almost. I want to punch someone. No, I think I really could. I can't really picture it either but it could probably happen. I am ANGRY. At everyone & no one. At things I've allowed to happen. At actions I've taken, and not taken. I am angry at everyone who seems to want a piece of me. No, I cannot spend every single evening at dinners and drinks and coffees listening to everyone else's problems. And I am angry at everyone who calls me when they are single. Fuck you. Yep, I said it. If you can't find the time to be my friend when you are in a relationship, you don't fucking deserve me as a friend to pick up the pieces for you when you find yourself single. And yes, I am an awesome friend, and no, that does not mean you can take my friendship for granted. Because, soon, very very soon, it will be gone. Because I am finally learning how to let people go - for good. And I don't need to keep you around. You can totally dislike me for whatever reason ya got - I'm cool with that now. Like I said, I'm angry. And I pretty much don't care about your problems anymore. Miranda sums it up pretty well: "I can't carry it all, I gotta lotta troubles of my own"
But despite the rage that overwhelms me at times, I am learning to channel it to good. I am using it more in workouts. And every time I want to let it take me over, Teddy keeps me sane. I love him so much. I got him at just the perfect time in my life. He forces me to go on walks and be a normal person. He forces me to make better choices with where to spend my time, and who to share it with. And even though he's a crazy energy high jumper pup, he's so simple & good. He just wants to play!
And I am finding a way to believe in myself again. Because honestly, when I'm "in it" - I'm unstoppable. When I can actually channel my true self, and hold onto her, everything goes right, and I start losing weight. But I also start losing friends. It's very strange. I don't really know why this happens. But when I put myself first, and start getting happy, things change. And I've never dealt with that well, and so I've let my fear of change, fear of success?, hold me back.
But I am so tired of letting it win. I'm ready to fight back. Maybe I needed to find the anger. Maybe it is the fuel I need, more than anything else, to win this battle towards my ultimate happiness.
My life was affected deeply by some events in early August, and I just haven't been the same since. I have a photo at a friend's wedding, on July 30th, and I know I was crazy happy then. I know that from January to July of last year, I made incredible strides in my journey, and that it all came to a crashing halt in August. Last January, I got Teddy. Last February, I started with my trainer. Last March, I went to Vegas and actually found the gym inside my hotel there. Last April, I went to Stagecoach and had energy to survive a crazy festival & got to wear clothes I liked and met hot guys & had raging self-confidence. Last May & June I dated, a lot, and had so much fun doing so. And I closed a bunch of deals and was on my way to really being happy.
I remember one afternoon walking out of my house in sporty shorts & a tank top to walk Teddy, with my hair piled on top of my head, and shades, of course, and I remember looking up at the sunshine and feeling like "Ahhh, so this is what it feels like."
And then I let it all fall apart. And THAT - is over. I know that having that medal hang around my neck is what I need to propel me into the goodness again. I often think about this concept:
"Forgiveness is accepting the fact that the past could have been any different."
I struggle with this - every single day.
And it shows in my weight. It manifests there. But I am actively working on it. I am angry.
They say there are 5 stages of grief:
1) Denial & Isolation
2) Anger
3) Bargaining
4) Depression
5) Acceptance
I'm hanging out in anger right now. Sometimes I find myself bargaining, and sometimes it's just simple depression. But mostly, I'm angry. It sounds so simple, but I have so much rage I don't know what to do with it and so I eat it away. Sometimes I scream. The other day I screamed so much I was actually, visibly shaking when I hung up the phone. It didn't subside for a few minutes. I almost threw my phone across the room recently. Almost. I want to punch someone. No, I think I really could. I can't really picture it either but it could probably happen. I am ANGRY. At everyone & no one. At things I've allowed to happen. At actions I've taken, and not taken. I am angry at everyone who seems to want a piece of me. No, I cannot spend every single evening at dinners and drinks and coffees listening to everyone else's problems. And I am angry at everyone who calls me when they are single. Fuck you. Yep, I said it. If you can't find the time to be my friend when you are in a relationship, you don't fucking deserve me as a friend to pick up the pieces for you when you find yourself single. And yes, I am an awesome friend, and no, that does not mean you can take my friendship for granted. Because, soon, very very soon, it will be gone. Because I am finally learning how to let people go - for good. And I don't need to keep you around. You can totally dislike me for whatever reason ya got - I'm cool with that now. Like I said, I'm angry. And I pretty much don't care about your problems anymore. Miranda sums it up pretty well: "I can't carry it all, I gotta lotta troubles of my own"
But despite the rage that overwhelms me at times, I am learning to channel it to good. I am using it more in workouts. And every time I want to let it take me over, Teddy keeps me sane. I love him so much. I got him at just the perfect time in my life. He forces me to go on walks and be a normal person. He forces me to make better choices with where to spend my time, and who to share it with. And even though he's a crazy energy high jumper pup, he's so simple & good. He just wants to play!
And I am finding a way to believe in myself again. Because honestly, when I'm "in it" - I'm unstoppable. When I can actually channel my true self, and hold onto her, everything goes right, and I start losing weight. But I also start losing friends. It's very strange. I don't really know why this happens. But when I put myself first, and start getting happy, things change. And I've never dealt with that well, and so I've let my fear of change, fear of success?, hold me back.
But I am so tired of letting it win. I'm ready to fight back. Maybe I needed to find the anger. Maybe it is the fuel I need, more than anything else, to win this battle towards my ultimate happiness.
You Don't Own Me
This is a DRAFT I wrote on 1 / 2or3 / 12. I'm not sure why I didn't post it then. Fear of commitment?
I've gotten a lot of AMAZING & diverse feedback about my last post. All I can say is, thank you.
So it's technically no longer January 1st... nevertheless, I present to you, my opening 2012 remarks. ;-)
This is the deal: 365 days. 100 pounds. Daily exercise. Healthful eating. Sweating. Cooking.
Currently, I'm planning Vegas in March, Cabo in July, and Israel in December. [this has already changed...] I will be in smaller clothes than I wore to Vegas last March... or maybe I'll even pack some of the same clothes and just see them fit better. For Cabo, my only goal is a hot bathing suit. I have a full 6 months for that. And as for Israel, I have no idea what clothing will be appropriate yet or if I'll even get to go on that trip, but I do know that I would like to be able to pack light, feel comfortable, appropriate, and unconcerned about things like clothing, on a trip like that.
I know that the path to this achievement is through daily commitment. I am learning how to stay grounded in my goals - not just in weight-loss, but in life.
I am also committing to the HB Surf City Half Marathon in Feb. [Glad I'm keepin that one up!] And, the OC Half in May, along with the LB Half in October. These races culminate in some sort of special California Dreamin medal that I am totally after! But more importantly, keeping my mileage up for these races will help me get my cardio in regularly. [I'm also now thinking about a Triathlon in April, crazy, I know.]
2011 involved a lot of dating. And while I had fun and learned a lot about relationships (and myself), I'm setting that aside for now. [Maybe.] I can't deal with it. Or, I don't want to deal with it. It was a tumultuous year... I'd say that tumult started around Oct/Nov. 2010 ... and while I had some really great times, and met some really amazing people, I also experienced low's that I've never hit before [and whomever you are reading this, thinking I am talking about you... check your ego, no, I am not, in fact, talking about you] and I'm just not ready to dive back in. I think that's ok, for now. [These are the sorts of disclaimers you have to make when you let a variety of different people crush you in different ways.] What's funny to me is that I've always wanted the weight-loss, to aid in the dating confidence. And I think maybe now, I've experienced the dating confidence, and so it's much less important to me somehow. Not to say it doesn't still play a role; of course it does. They will always be intertwined for me in many ways. But somewhere along the way this year, it lost it's power over me.
I don't want to lose weight in order to "find a man." I now want to lose weight for me, myself & I, alone. And in the same way they've always been intertwined for me, now I know that finding that separation is the way I'm going to succeed.
... Finding separation is the way I'm going to succeed ...
I may have just found my theme song for the year! "You don't own me..." [I already forgot about this and am SO happy I'm posting, for THIS alone! Hahaha!]
Here's a few more I will be using as inspiration for the year:
King of Anything
Something More
Ain't Settlin'
Baggage Claim
Undo It
My Prerogative
Precious Things
Playboy Mommy
Every Little Bit
Sweet Annie
Colder Weather
Whatever It Is
Because of You
I Do Not Hook Up
You Make Me Sick
[Oh, this is why I didn't post... I wasn't sure I had included all the songs I wanted to. Oh well. It's an unperfect list. A really UNperfect list...]
To borrow a frequent saying (slogan?) of local philanthropist, Justin Rudd, "Life is good, and getting better."
I've gotten a lot of AMAZING & diverse feedback about my last post. All I can say is, thank you.
So it's technically no longer January 1st... nevertheless, I present to you, my opening 2012 remarks. ;-)
This is the deal: 365 days. 100 pounds. Daily exercise. Healthful eating. Sweating. Cooking.
Currently, I'm planning Vegas in March, Cabo in July, and Israel in December. [this has already changed...] I will be in smaller clothes than I wore to Vegas last March... or maybe I'll even pack some of the same clothes and just see them fit better. For Cabo, my only goal is a hot bathing suit. I have a full 6 months for that. And as for Israel, I have no idea what clothing will be appropriate yet or if I'll even get to go on that trip, but I do know that I would like to be able to pack light, feel comfortable, appropriate, and unconcerned about things like clothing, on a trip like that.
I know that the path to this achievement is through daily commitment. I am learning how to stay grounded in my goals - not just in weight-loss, but in life.
I am also committing to the HB Surf City Half Marathon in Feb. [Glad I'm keepin that one up!] And, the OC Half in May, along with the LB Half in October. These races culminate in some sort of special California Dreamin medal that I am totally after! But more importantly, keeping my mileage up for these races will help me get my cardio in regularly. [I'm also now thinking about a Triathlon in April, crazy, I know.]
2011 involved a lot of dating. And while I had fun and learned a lot about relationships (and myself), I'm setting that aside for now. [Maybe.] I can't deal with it. Or, I don't want to deal with it. It was a tumultuous year... I'd say that tumult started around Oct/Nov. 2010 ... and while I had some really great times, and met some really amazing people, I also experienced low's that I've never hit before [and whomever you are reading this, thinking I am talking about you... check your ego, no, I am not, in fact, talking about you] and I'm just not ready to dive back in. I think that's ok, for now. [These are the sorts of disclaimers you have to make when you let a variety of different people crush you in different ways.] What's funny to me is that I've always wanted the weight-loss, to aid in the dating confidence. And I think maybe now, I've experienced the dating confidence, and so it's much less important to me somehow. Not to say it doesn't still play a role; of course it does. They will always be intertwined for me in many ways. But somewhere along the way this year, it lost it's power over me.
I don't want to lose weight in order to "find a man." I now want to lose weight for me, myself & I, alone. And in the same way they've always been intertwined for me, now I know that finding that separation is the way I'm going to succeed.
... Finding separation is the way I'm going to succeed ...
I may have just found my theme song for the year! "You don't own me..." [I already forgot about this and am SO happy I'm posting, for THIS alone! Hahaha!]
Here's a few more I will be using as inspiration for the year:
King of Anything
Something More
Ain't Settlin'
Baggage Claim
Undo It
My Prerogative
Precious Things
Playboy Mommy
Every Little Bit
Sweet Annie
Colder Weather
Whatever It Is
Because of You
I Do Not Hook Up
You Make Me Sick
[Oh, this is why I didn't post... I wasn't sure I had included all the songs I wanted to. Oh well. It's an unperfect list. A really UNperfect list...]
To borrow a frequent saying (slogan?) of local philanthropist, Justin Rudd, "Life is good, and getting better."
It's the little things
Yesterday, I made "gourmet" poached eggs on toast. And, I made "fancy" "homemade" ice tea. Today, I made nonfat cranberry orange muffins so that I can truly kick my Starbucks addiction & walk out the door w/ something in-hand in a pinch. Despite the fact that I'm trying to incorporate more protein into every meal... baby steps.
MORE importantly, I went back to my trainer today! I love her! She somehow makes me work harder and be more committed and I don't know HOW she does it, but she does.
And even more important than that, I made some solid career decisions today and I am just SO happy to feel like I have the right path in front of me finally.
Finally, adding just a bit more joy, I found my favorite headphones that were missing for, quite, awhile.
It's the little things... that all add up to the big things.
MORE importantly, I went back to my trainer today! I love her! She somehow makes me work harder and be more committed and I don't know HOW she does it, but she does.
And even more important than that, I made some solid career decisions today and I am just SO happy to feel like I have the right path in front of me finally.
Finally, adding just a bit more joy, I found my favorite headphones that were missing for, quite, awhile.
It's the little things... that all add up to the big things.
And I stepped on the scale
I went back into Weight Watchers today and I stepped on the scale. It was not bad. I was somehow magically down.
So, I'm on track. And I think I've finally noticed that I have a pattern of taking steps forward and then halting. I stagnate. I'm not sure what I'm afraid of. Success? Fear of success? Fear of failure? Aversion to commitment to something? Anything? That part I haven't figured out. This is not just a problem with weightloss. In fact, I think it's just presenting itself in this form. Maybe I'll be able to conquer it through the miles.
Has anyone else seen Janet Jackson doing a Nutrisystem commercial? It's upsetting in SO many ways.
I cleaned out my fridge and came up with a recipe plan out of what I have left in my fridge, freezer & cupboards. This is becoming quite possibly my favorite thing to do -- figuring out something to make out of what I have randomly on hand. It's like a puzzle. I'll admit, when I fail, I call my mom and list off ingredients to her and she can usually come up with something amazing.
I'm both nervous and excited about the half. It's good to have a serious goal in front of me again.
So, I'm on track. And I think I've finally noticed that I have a pattern of taking steps forward and then halting. I stagnate. I'm not sure what I'm afraid of. Success? Fear of success? Fear of failure? Aversion to commitment to something? Anything? That part I haven't figured out. This is not just a problem with weightloss. In fact, I think it's just presenting itself in this form. Maybe I'll be able to conquer it through the miles.
Has anyone else seen Janet Jackson doing a Nutrisystem commercial? It's upsetting in SO many ways.
I cleaned out my fridge and came up with a recipe plan out of what I have left in my fridge, freezer & cupboards. This is becoming quite possibly my favorite thing to do -- figuring out something to make out of what I have randomly on hand. It's like a puzzle. I'll admit, when I fail, I call my mom and list off ingredients to her and she can usually come up with something amazing.
I'm both nervous and excited about the half. It's good to have a serious goal in front of me again.
A luxury A dream
Oh Biggest Loser finale - how I heart thee!
I was kind of hating on that new theme song (because change is hard) until I discovered it's by Train! <3
And, I was tagged in some pix from last March that I'd never seen before:
And I was in Vegas - and I found the gym inside Mandalay Bay. Literally, I was in Vegas - and I went to the gym! I was really happy with the clothes I was wearing and how I felt in general. And I was still big even then, but better than now.
So, yesterday, I wore a top on Christmas that I'd purchased this past summer (I think from Ann Taylor) that is a little bit tight again. And I got lots of compliments - that rang hollow to me.
And I realize that the half marathon is like, soon.
In July, I told my trainer, "This is my set point. This is my lowest adult weight that I've never been able to break through." And I gave up because I didn't believe. Well, I had some minor health issues set me back, and then I used that as an excuse, to give up, entirely. And I haven't really gained much back. Really. Which is amazing to me. Because I feel FAT. But the scale's numbers are telling me: "It's not that bad..." You didn't eff it up TOO much.
So, the point is - I know I can do it. After all the excel spreadsheets of potential weight-loss, and crazy schedules of how and when to fit the workouts in, and endless healthy recipe collections, I know it is not about any of that. I mean, those things are helpful, in a way. But detrimental in others.
Mostly, I just need to decide, and CONTINUE TO BELIEVE, that I am WORTH IT! Then I need to keep working at it - no matter what.
I am going to apply to Biggest Loser Season 14. I auditioned once before and made it into local papers. And I said I'd give up that dream after I heard Jillian was leaving. But I was scared and guarded. I put down a friend's wedding as a taping conflict. I could've missed that wedding, really. And there are parts of the application where you talk about what you wouldn't want on tv... and there are some things that I think would come out of me, that I don't really want on tv. But there was a girl, who dealt with her parents and the blame of the death of one of her siblings, and after that season, I thought: if she can put that on tv, whatever the cost of loss of privacy, is worth the benefits of being on that Ranch and being able to focus your entire being to this single cause. That is a luxury. It's a dream. It's work and pain that I can't even begin to imagine but I know it'd be worth it now -- at almost any cost. Because it's your life in the end. They give you back your life. And yes, you earn it... blah blah. But really, they hold your life out to you on a silver platter and all you have to do is reach out, and hold it. If you're strong enough.
I can't wait for the new season to start on 1/3!
Oh and if that doesn't work out - because who can bank on that really - I've still got a trip to Cabo coming up on 7/5 and I WILL be wearing this amazing bathing suit I found recently! I've hung pictures of it up in my office, on my fridge, and on my bathroom mirror. It is my current mass motivation!
I was kind of hating on that new theme song (because change is hard) until I discovered it's by Train! <3
And, I was tagged in some pix from last March that I'd never seen before:
And I was in Vegas - and I found the gym inside Mandalay Bay. Literally, I was in Vegas - and I went to the gym! I was really happy with the clothes I was wearing and how I felt in general. And I was still big even then, but better than now.
So, yesterday, I wore a top on Christmas that I'd purchased this past summer (I think from Ann Taylor) that is a little bit tight again. And I got lots of compliments - that rang hollow to me.
And I realize that the half marathon is like, soon.
In July, I told my trainer, "This is my set point. This is my lowest adult weight that I've never been able to break through." And I gave up because I didn't believe. Well, I had some minor health issues set me back, and then I used that as an excuse, to give up, entirely. And I haven't really gained much back. Really. Which is amazing to me. Because I feel FAT. But the scale's numbers are telling me: "It's not that bad..." You didn't eff it up TOO much.
So, the point is - I know I can do it. After all the excel spreadsheets of potential weight-loss, and crazy schedules of how and when to fit the workouts in, and endless healthy recipe collections, I know it is not about any of that. I mean, those things are helpful, in a way. But detrimental in others.
Mostly, I just need to decide, and CONTINUE TO BELIEVE, that I am WORTH IT! Then I need to keep working at it - no matter what.
I am going to apply to Biggest Loser Season 14. I auditioned once before and made it into local papers. And I said I'd give up that dream after I heard Jillian was leaving. But I was scared and guarded. I put down a friend's wedding as a taping conflict. I could've missed that wedding, really. And there are parts of the application where you talk about what you wouldn't want on tv... and there are some things that I think would come out of me, that I don't really want on tv. But there was a girl, who dealt with her parents and the blame of the death of one of her siblings, and after that season, I thought: if she can put that on tv, whatever the cost of loss of privacy, is worth the benefits of being on that Ranch and being able to focus your entire being to this single cause. That is a luxury. It's a dream. It's work and pain that I can't even begin to imagine but I know it'd be worth it now -- at almost any cost. Because it's your life in the end. They give you back your life. And yes, you earn it... blah blah. But really, they hold your life out to you on a silver platter and all you have to do is reach out, and hold it. If you're strong enough.
I can't wait for the new season to start on 1/3!
Oh and if that doesn't work out - because who can bank on that really - I've still got a trip to Cabo coming up on 7/5 and I WILL be wearing this amazing bathing suit I found recently! I've hung pictures of it up in my office, on my fridge, and on my bathroom mirror. It is my current mass motivation!
the damage wasn't too bad
On Sunday -- I thought --
Annual Chrismukkah was today. "On a Stick" party was yesterday. I've been cooking and baking TONS o stuff! And I can't figure out if this means I'm eating less or more. I think less... but of not-so-good-for-you items.
I've had a GREAT weekend and yet I feel extremely unsettled as this Sunday evening comes to a close.
I can't quite pinpoint the source of this feeling...
I feel like I took control this year. I lost a bunch of weight from Jan/Feb up until July, and then it all went to hell and I've sort of gained it back. And so I feel like, what was the point? What was the point of all that work? All that sweat? All that pain? And putting it back on from August until now happened with minimal notice.
I made a choice - a few choices - a few really bad, and then a few really good choices, that landed me here again.
The running will make me sane again. It always does. Ready to crank on the mileage tomorrow! Bring it.
And now --
A plan is in motion. Personal training returns. Running returns. Rowing will begin. I've been eating the protein packages from starbucks, and going to subway more often. I think with all the holiday sweets around, I've been craving health and protein over sugar and sweet.
I have a half marathon training calendar in place that I am pretty amp'd about. And I google'd myself and found some fun (funny?) shots from the last half I did which was the LB Half back in '09. If I recall, I'd been obsessed with my 30th birthday and did this race about a month after it'd hit. I fall into these ruts and like to shake things up for myself by running, apparently.
My dad and I had a little heart-to-heart at our Chanukah celebration this evening (where I made the standard latkes and a non-dairy version of a noodle kugle for my mom which turned out surprisingly well) and I really am a significantly happier person when I am working out in general and, for myself and my own happiness-- I must continue to learn how to make this a priority in my life. I looked back through my photos of the year and I really was happier from say, March to July 30th. I have a marker. Brooke's wedding on July 30th is the last pic I have where I feel comfortable and happy with where I was at. Things changed in my life after that. Big things that don't belong here. And I still haven't learned how to deal with LIFE without using food to cope. But at least this time the derailment only lasted a few months, and the damage wasn't too bad, all in all.
Now if I could just keep making good choices ...
Annual Chrismukkah was today. "On a Stick" party was yesterday. I've been cooking and baking TONS o stuff! And I can't figure out if this means I'm eating less or more. I think less... but of not-so-good-for-you items.
I've had a GREAT weekend and yet I feel extremely unsettled as this Sunday evening comes to a close.
I can't quite pinpoint the source of this feeling...
I feel like I took control this year. I lost a bunch of weight from Jan/Feb up until July, and then it all went to hell and I've sort of gained it back. And so I feel like, what was the point? What was the point of all that work? All that sweat? All that pain? And putting it back on from August until now happened with minimal notice.
I made a choice - a few choices - a few really bad, and then a few really good choices, that landed me here again.
The running will make me sane again. It always does.
for the moment
Just a few miscellaneous thoughts I had today ...
-- I really am addicted to Starbucks.
-- But also - more secretly - 7-11 - and that's a ritual ingrained from earliest childhood years that will probably get it's own post in coming weeks
-- Being honest is extremely powerful -- with parents, friends, dates, former lovers, etc.
Mostly this involves saying no. No, I do not agree with you. No, I will not live my life your way. No, I will not go out with you again. No, you cannot come over.
-- Must Run Must Run Must Run ... where is my running watch??
-- God I love The Biggest Loser marathon episode. And HOW could the producers let them run in a sand storm?
-- I'm having a bit of a career crisis lately. I made some critical decisions in that area as well.
-- Did pretty well with food and got a sprinting run in with Teddy. (He's pretty darn fast!)
All in all, a strangely emotional, yet, calm-inspiring day.
Success for the moment I'd say.
-- I really am addicted to Starbucks.
-- But also - more secretly - 7-11 - and that's a ritual ingrained from earliest childhood years that will probably get it's own post in coming weeks
-- Being honest is extremely powerful -- with parents, friends, dates, former lovers, etc.
Mostly this involves saying no. No, I do not agree with you. No, I will not live my life your way. No, I will not go out with you again. No, you cannot come over.
-- Must Run Must Run Must Run ... where is my running watch??
-- God I love The Biggest Loser marathon episode. And HOW could the producers let them run in a sand storm?
-- I'm having a bit of a career crisis lately. I made some critical decisions in that area as well.
-- Did pretty well with food and got a sprinting run in with Teddy. (He's pretty darn fast!)
All in all, a strangely emotional, yet, calm-inspiring day.
Success for the moment I'd say.
the thing
Here's the thing about trying to save money (which is a task I am undertaking at the moment): it sort of lends itself to healthy eating, almost accidentally ...
This is mainly because I have been trying to stay in and cook instead of go out to eat. Of which, I do a lot. No, I mean, like, I actively try not to set foot in my kitchen, do a lot of eating out. I became slightly hyper aware of this fact when a friend of mine told me I'm one of the few people she eats out with. And I realized it may be a requirement of mine to be my friend - that you eat out with me. And I have been mildly aware of this problem for a bit now. Another item to work on...
But anyhow, I've gotten back into making coffee at home with my (purchased by-myself-for-myself) french press - in efforts to kick my (seriously problematic) Starbucks addiction. The personal ownership of my french press is very important to me and a newly conquered thing this year. I gave away my last (amazing!) french press as it was given to me by someone who needs to hold zero space in my life now. And I'd had that darn french press since probably '03 or '04, and I loved it. But it had to go. And now I am so happy every time I use the one I bought for myself this summer. It is amazing how small rituals matter so much. And as for Starbucks, well, I'm still addicted, but easing off the crack ever so slowly. I get headaches just thinking about giving it up.
I've also been trying to use up just whatever happens to be in my kitchen cupboards / fridge, and tonight I made this amazing chicken chilli, mixed with whole wheat pasta, and threw in some green beans for color and it, surprisingly, turned out really well. And I have leftovers! I never do leftovers, but I am learning to incorporate this concept into my life. I am always surprised when I throw something together and it turns out well. I can follow a recipe pretty well. Cooking improvisation is not my strong-suit -- but I'm really getting better at it and kind of proud of myself for it. The day could come when I'll think - oh - box of brownie mix - you're all I have left in my cupboards and I better make you because I'm trying to be thrifty -- as well as healthy -- and I'll just have 1 every other day or so (because I think that's healthy) but I'm pretty sure I wrote another blog post in the past about making the brownie mix up, sans eggs, and eating that alone. So, les-be-honest -- this "use up the stuff in your cupboards" plan will only take me so far. But for now, it's working.
The somewhat ironic thing to me is that, I've spent so much on "weightloss" in the past... memberships to gyms or weight watchers, etc, and training, special shakes, or various doctors and medications.
There is even HCG in my fridge right now (that I'm not taking and paranoid about, and what a wasted purchase that was because I am afraid to take it but I think it might actually help so why don't I just call my dr. and get over it, but still, I don't). I mean - it's really a profitable industry and yet...
... all it really takes is some wholesome food, and sweat.
This is mainly because I have been trying to stay in and cook instead of go out to eat. Of which, I do a lot. No, I mean, like, I actively try not to set foot in my kitchen, do a lot of eating out. I became slightly hyper aware of this fact when a friend of mine told me I'm one of the few people she eats out with. And I realized it may be a requirement of mine to be my friend - that you eat out with me. And I have been mildly aware of this problem for a bit now. Another item to work on...
But anyhow, I've gotten back into making coffee at home with my (purchased by-myself-for-myself) french press - in efforts to kick my (seriously problematic) Starbucks addiction. The personal ownership of my french press is very important to me and a newly conquered thing this year. I gave away my last (amazing!) french press as it was given to me by someone who needs to hold zero space in my life now. And I'd had that darn french press since probably '03 or '04, and I loved it. But it had to go. And now I am so happy every time I use the one I bought for myself this summer. It is amazing how small rituals matter so much. And as for Starbucks, well, I'm still addicted, but easing off the crack ever so slowly. I get headaches just thinking about giving it up.
I've also been trying to use up just whatever happens to be in my kitchen cupboards / fridge, and tonight I made this amazing chicken chilli, mixed with whole wheat pasta, and threw in some green beans for color and it, surprisingly, turned out really well. And I have leftovers! I never do leftovers, but I am learning to incorporate this concept into my life. I am always surprised when I throw something together and it turns out well. I can follow a recipe pretty well. Cooking improvisation is not my strong-suit -- but I'm really getting better at it and kind of proud of myself for it. The day could come when I'll think - oh - box of brownie mix - you're all I have left in my cupboards and I better make you because I'm trying to be thrifty -- as well as healthy -- and I'll just have 1 every other day or so (because I think that's healthy) but I'm pretty sure I wrote another blog post in the past about making the brownie mix up, sans eggs, and eating that alone. So, les-be-honest -- this "use up the stuff in your cupboards" plan will only take me so far. But for now, it's working.
The somewhat ironic thing to me is that, I've spent so much on "weightloss" in the past... memberships to gyms or weight watchers, etc, and training, special shakes, or various doctors and medications.
There is even HCG in my fridge right now (that I'm not taking and paranoid about, and what a wasted purchase that was because I am afraid to take it but I think it might actually help so why don't I just call my dr. and get over it, but still, I don't). I mean - it's really a profitable industry and yet...
... all it really takes is some wholesome food, and sweat.
I am always surprised
"I've been reading your blog," he said.
And while I knew that was probably going to happen, and even though people actually make requests for more updates, I am always surprised when someone tells me this. Always. I don't think anyone's paying attention. "Paying attention" is a funny phrase; a lesson in value with some simple verb conjugation. And each time someone tells me he or she is reading, or someone makes a comment, I see a little bit of myself through their eyes. And I'm always prompted to go back and re-read. Sometimes I reread just a post or two. Sometimes I reread specific posts that stand out to me. But sometimes, like today, I reread as much as I can stand. And then I wondered, do people read a post or two, or read on occasion, on a whim? Have they followed the story along this whole time since I started in 2007? Or even since 2005 back when I had "the marathon" blog? And I wondered today what the story looks like as a whole, at this exact moment, if I were to read it "cover to cover" as it stands now. Because I could do that with the marathon blog. It has a start, a middle, and an end. And I really love each section of that blog... I think because I was actually chronicling a serious achievement, and chronicling something I had never done before. I thought, when I started this, it would be a way to do it again... to chronicle "my great weightloss achievement!'
[Sidenote: I just tried accessing the marathon blog for the 1st time in ages and it's gone! :( I think I printed it once in fear of this day but if anyone knows how I can save it from stupid Friendster, suggestions and tips, MUCH appreciated ... it used to be at:]
But there is no great achievement here. And everything here I have done, repeatedly, for many years. It seems, there is nothing new to say.
I am fat - I emotionally overeat - I am great at a finite time period of concentrated effort of nutrition & exercise, usually brought on by some sort of emotional blow - then I fall off the wagon - and repeat. It's like Groundhog's Day.
I heard Danielle Berrin speak today - about many things - but most notable to me was the notion that in trying to escape by immersing yourself in some creative process, you are actually brought face to face with what it is you are trying to escape in an even deeper and more meaningful way. She was tying this to the notion that Jews in Hollywood are now interested in rewriting the ending to events... and what does this mean? And it went further to connect the hotbed of demand for the creative talent pool in Israel, and how with less budget comes better storytelling as a craft, and that is further connected (not by Ms Berrin, but just in my mind) with Israel as a start-up nation... and I have so many business places to take that and have digressed pretty far off my point here. But the point - is - that in escaping, we are actually conquering.
And so I reread, and reread, and reread, and felt sick about the fact that I haven't yet succeeded at this. And not even that I haven't succeeded, but that I haven't seemed to internalize any of the lessons that I "discover" here. But I have.
I turned the corner when I realized that I'm just not done yet. And maybe it's naive to think there is an endpoint as well. Here, I am just trying to escape the pain of living inside of this body (that I am thankful is currently healthy). And that in trying to escape, in getting inside the pain that it is to actually undertake this, is what will actually lead me out.
"I've been reading your blog," he said.
Me too. I'm finally paying attention.
I work out
So I'm currently mapping running routes in Long Beach that I'd like to do (suggestions welcome). This was one of my favorite parts of making running a priority so I'm bringin' it back!
And awhile back I bought an amazon local deal of one month unlimited rowing and I am going to start before the weekend is over. I found the class schedule so that's a step in the right direction... I'm actually really excited about the rowing for 2 reasons: 1) location #1 is walkable from my house and 2) location #2 has a view of the water. So I'm thinking I'm going to really like this. Fingers crossed.
The eating is not entirely under control, however. But vast improvements have been made.
The thing, for me, about this, is that when I'm "in it," I'm great!
I'm hardcore. I work out everyday and eat well and don't do anything else but obsess about doing this well. But I don't want to do only this right now. I have too many other things going on in my life. And so I'm trying to figure out how not to be "all or nothing" because I've been choosing "nothing" since, oh, August.
I just can't seem to kick this all-or-nothing bad habit of mine.
And awhile back I bought an amazon local deal of one month unlimited rowing and I am going to start before the weekend is over. I found the class schedule so that's a step in the right direction... I'm actually really excited about the rowing for 2 reasons: 1) location #1 is walkable from my house and 2) location #2 has a view of the water. So I'm thinking I'm going to really like this. Fingers crossed.
The eating is not entirely under control, however. But vast improvements have been made.
The thing, for me, about this, is that when I'm "in it," I'm great!
I'm hardcore. I work out everyday and eat well and don't do anything else but obsess about doing this well. But I don't want to do only this right now. I have too many other things going on in my life. And so I'm trying to figure out how not to be "all or nothing" because I've been choosing "nothing" since, oh, August.
I just can't seem to kick this all-or-nothing bad habit of mine.
Come Again
Wow -- the dedication in that last post, lasted about 5 days... if that.
But I always return... to the writing, the dieting, the clear-mindedness. I return to... the struggle with "all-or-nothing," the ocd-that's-not-really-ocd-but-i-wish-it-were-so-i'd-have-SOME-kind-of-exCUSE, the knowledge that even in those statements I can come off as a whiny bitch because really, what's so bad about MY life? Nothing. Truly, nothing. But obviously SOMEthing or else I'd be able to take this damn weight off for good. This is what I return to. Repeatedly. It's like a comfy couch. You know you should get up and go DO something but oh it's SO cozy and easy to sink into the cushions and take a lil' nappers.
But the point is - I have returned - to the place where I am DOING. I signed up for a half marathon the 1st weekend in February and so this means I have to return to long distance training. I really like it. I mean, I like to complain about it. But I really love it. I will never be one of those crazy people who runs marathons every month because I'm addicted to the runner's high-- which is a real thing by the way. But I could maybe get to a place where I do halfs pretty regularly.
I do have a dream to do another full marathon-- but I would only do it if I could finish it in well under 6 hours. Like, 5:30 would be a good target. But I'd have to be at a normal weight, and in great shape to do that. And the thing is - I always tell people - ANYONE can run a marathon - you JUST HAVE to WANT to. And I fully stand behind that. Because I did. I just don't WANT to do another marathon unless I know I can do it in that "reasonable" time-frame.
[Oh and I also gave up drinking for about 4 out of the 6 months I trained for it and I just don't WANT to do that either at this point.]
In any case, I digress. The point is - I have returned - to writing, to dieting (I know, I know, "lifestyle change"), to running, and frankly, to making changes and good decisions (who me?)
Here's the thing about good decisions: they suck. They hurt and they feel bad and sometimes you hurt people's feelings, and sometimes you back yourself into a corner so that your own feelings are trampled on. And for a GenX / GenY cusper who does not comprehend the concept of delayed gratification, "good" decisions seem worthless.
Except they're gold! Don't go selling your jewelry to that late night infomercial scheme just yet though. That is not a good decision - consult your financial advisor - there, my disclaimer.
I'm realizing that good decisions are gold, and they start to add up. There is a multiplier force at play. If you keep making good decisions, even if you fall and make a few bad ones along the way, as long as you continue in your quest of the good ones, the Universe rewards you.
I'm banking on that, right now.
[Expect more blogging... I'm ready to share again... better block me now before you reach the point of annoyance.] ;-)
But I always return... to the writing, the dieting, the clear-mindedness. I return to... the struggle with "all-or-nothing," the ocd-that's-not-really-ocd-but-i-wish-it-were-so-i'd-have-SOME-kind-of-exCUSE, the knowledge that even in those statements I can come off as a whiny bitch because really, what's so bad about MY life? Nothing. Truly, nothing. But obviously SOMEthing or else I'd be able to take this damn weight off for good. This is what I return to. Repeatedly. It's like a comfy couch. You know you should get up and go DO something but oh it's SO cozy and easy to sink into the cushions and take a lil' nappers.
But the point is - I have returned - to the place where I am DOING. I signed up for a half marathon the 1st weekend in February and so this means I have to return to long distance training. I really like it. I mean, I like to complain about it. But I really love it. I will never be one of those crazy people who runs marathons every month because I'm addicted to the runner's high-- which is a real thing by the way. But I could maybe get to a place where I do halfs pretty regularly.
I do have a dream to do another full marathon-- but I would only do it if I could finish it in well under 6 hours. Like, 5:30 would be a good target. But I'd have to be at a normal weight, and in great shape to do that. And the thing is - I always tell people - ANYONE can run a marathon - you JUST HAVE to WANT to. And I fully stand behind that. Because I did. I just don't WANT to do another marathon unless I know I can do it in that "reasonable" time-frame.
[Oh and I also gave up drinking for about 4 out of the 6 months I trained for it and I just don't WANT to do that either at this point.]
In any case, I digress. The point is - I have returned - to writing, to dieting (I know, I know, "lifestyle change"), to running, and frankly, to making changes and good decisions (who me?)
Here's the thing about good decisions: they suck. They hurt and they feel bad and sometimes you hurt people's feelings, and sometimes you back yourself into a corner so that your own feelings are trampled on. And for a GenX / GenY cusper who does not comprehend the concept of delayed gratification, "good" decisions seem worthless.
Except they're gold! Don't go selling your jewelry to that late night infomercial scheme just yet though. That is not a good decision - consult your financial advisor - there, my disclaimer.
I'm realizing that good decisions are gold, and they start to add up. There is a multiplier force at play. If you keep making good decisions, even if you fall and make a few bad ones along the way, as long as you continue in your quest of the good ones, the Universe rewards you.
I'm banking on that, right now.
[Expect more blogging... I'm ready to share again... better block me now before you reach the point of annoyance.] ;-)
On It
July was not a great month with the weightloss. I kept up with the training but just couldn't get enough cardio in. Because it takes like an hour a day now. Religiously. To see results. At a minimum. If you can believe it. 30 minutes of cardio is nothing now.
So I have commenced the Flat Belly Diet. My diet today has consisted of mostly cornflakes, lactose-free milk, blueberries, string cheese, grape tomatoes, low-sodium turkey, oh and sunflower seeds.
This also involves no alcohol -- for about a month. G-d give me strength.
There is like a 4 day "detox" of sorts (not really a "detox" but more a "jump-start") and then a 28 day very specific meal plan.
I'm on it. Because I am at my lowest adult-life weight. The last time I was majorly successful with Weight Watchers around 23 or 24, I hit this weight and then started putting it all back on. So this is like a set-point of mine that I am trying to bust through.
So maybe doing something different to change things up will help!
I am still aiming to hit 199 by the end of the year -- but it's going to take some massive work!
So I have commenced the Flat Belly Diet. My diet today has consisted of mostly cornflakes, lactose-free milk, blueberries, string cheese, grape tomatoes, low-sodium turkey, oh and sunflower seeds.
This also involves no alcohol -- for about a month. G-d give me strength.
There is like a 4 day "detox" of sorts (not really a "detox" but more a "jump-start") and then a 28 day very specific meal plan.
I'm on it. Because I am at my lowest adult-life weight. The last time I was majorly successful with Weight Watchers around 23 or 24, I hit this weight and then started putting it all back on. So this is like a set-point of mine that I am trying to bust through.
So maybe doing something different to change things up will help!
I am still aiming to hit 199 by the end of the year -- but it's going to take some massive work!
everyone has to sweat.
My monthly weigh-in is on Friday. I'm adding an extra training session in this week b/c I want the results to be GOOD. So far I've been down in inches and percentages, OR down on the scale, but not both. I want both this month. It may have to wait until next month but hopefully both will show this month.
I'm headed to the gym shortly. I feel like I'm not getting enough cardio in. I am. But, I feel like I'm not.
I've been wearing shorts... which is like unheard of in my world.
I had a glimpse of the girl I want to be the other day. I had a tank top & sporty shorts on, and tennis shoes, shades, and my hair piled up on top of my head. "Cute-messy-sporty" is what I'm calling the look. And I took my little pup Teddy for a walk. The sun was out. And in an instant, I felt ... "this is what it must be like..." -- to be thin -- to be happy -- to feel comfortable in your own skin -- to be healthy -- to smile up at the sunshine -- to not care what other people think -- to care what other people think and feel GOOD about what they're probably thinking -- to be thin -- to be happy.
And not that I am thin yet by any means. But I know I CAN be now. And I know I WILL be. And I can wear clothes I couldn't just a few short months ago. And I feel happy going for a walk, instead of sluggish and tired and fat.
More importantly, I had no idea that I'd been craving to know what that feeling was. But I was. Forever it feels like.
I think I might write a book one day; it could be all about how to find your happiness through sweat. Not everyone has to get a puppy. :) But everyone has to sweat. (Dont' fret, I'll be sure to include a chapter about proper skincare.)
I'm headed to the gym shortly. I feel like I'm not getting enough cardio in. I am. But, I feel like I'm not.
I've been wearing shorts... which is like unheard of in my world.
I had a glimpse of the girl I want to be the other day. I had a tank top & sporty shorts on, and tennis shoes, shades, and my hair piled up on top of my head. "Cute-messy-sporty" is what I'm calling the look. And I took my little pup Teddy for a walk. The sun was out. And in an instant, I felt ... "this is what it must be like..." -- to be thin -- to be happy -- to feel comfortable in your own skin -- to be healthy -- to smile up at the sunshine -- to not care what other people think -- to care what other people think and feel GOOD about what they're probably thinking -- to be thin -- to be happy.
And not that I am thin yet by any means. But I know I CAN be now. And I know I WILL be. And I can wear clothes I couldn't just a few short months ago. And I feel happy going for a walk, instead of sluggish and tired and fat.
More importantly, I had no idea that I'd been craving to know what that feeling was. But I was. Forever it feels like.
I think I might write a book one day; it could be all about how to find your happiness through sweat. Not everyone has to get a puppy. :) But everyone has to sweat. (Dont' fret, I'll be sure to include a chapter about proper skincare.)
Back by popular demand
Apparently a few of your actually like reading my updates & so to appease the requests being made-- here's a quick update for y'all! :)
I'm down approx 30lbs. I have a goal of being at 199lbs by 12/31/10... which I think is totally realistic & do-able.
I have since purchased & worn "normal" clothes at Anth, WHBM, & Ann Taylor Loft.
My trainer is amazing. My eating habits still leave something to be desired and I could always be getting more cardio in.
I can run again. Really run. I like to run to Britney Pandora, mostly.
It's really fun to shop for more than just purses, shoes, make-up & accessories. I love not being held hostage to those items alone now. There are still new fashion horizons to discover though.
People have noticed. (Thank you.) Which is great but also sometimes surprising & strangely embarassing. Not really, but in some small little place it is, somewhat.
I've been dating... not interested in any one person in particular currently but now I love picking out an outfit to go out on a date. Who KNEW that THAT could be fun? Not this girl. Never before. But now it is.
I am about 8-10lbs away from my lowest point of my adult life ever. I may hit that at my next weigh-in at the end of the month. That would be nuts. I worry about pushing thru that threshold. I remember I had walked to that Weight Watcher meeting from my old apartment near Overland & S.M. Blvd... and THAT feels like a lifetime ago. I was 22 or 23.
I'm older. Hopefully, I'm wiser too.
I'm down approx 30lbs. I have a goal of being at 199lbs by 12/31/10... which I think is totally realistic & do-able.
I have since purchased & worn "normal" clothes at Anth, WHBM, & Ann Taylor Loft.
My trainer is amazing. My eating habits still leave something to be desired and I could always be getting more cardio in.
I can run again. Really run. I like to run to Britney Pandora, mostly.
It's really fun to shop for more than just purses, shoes, make-up & accessories. I love not being held hostage to those items alone now. There are still new fashion horizons to discover though.
People have noticed. (Thank you.) Which is great but also sometimes surprising & strangely embarassing. Not really, but in some small little place it is, somewhat.
I've been dating... not interested in any one person in particular currently but now I love picking out an outfit to go out on a date. Who KNEW that THAT could be fun? Not this girl. Never before. But now it is.
I am about 8-10lbs away from my lowest point of my adult life ever. I may hit that at my next weigh-in at the end of the month. That would be nuts. I worry about pushing thru that threshold. I remember I had walked to that Weight Watcher meeting from my old apartment near Overland & S.M. Blvd... and THAT feels like a lifetime ago. I was 22 or 23.
I'm older. Hopefully, I'm wiser too.
What Would You Attempt To Do If You Knew You Could Not Fail?
What's up 2011? :)
I'm ready to bring it - finally.
Personal training starts on Tuesday and I'm spending my Friday night at the gym.
My weight has little to do with food and exercise. It has everything to do with not having an emotional handle on a few issues I won't go into here except to say that I'm done.
I've resolved all outstanding personal issues weighing on me - literally.
I can't being to explain how free I finally feel. They key has been to face everything. To examine. To live with it all. To own it. Owning it, is going to allow me to bring it. A little bit of therapy never hurt anyone.
I want to be able to shop at Anthropologie, and White House Black Market, and Ann Taylor! And I want to buy their clothes - not just their bags & shoes. I want to not be forced into obsession with make-up because I simply can't be interested in the clothes.
I am obsessed with shows like The Biggest Loser and I Used to be Fat. I want to feel pretty and healthy. I want to feel normal. I want to sit in a seat at a movie theater on a date and not have that be the most self-conscious moment of the night.
I want to go on a "tour of jacuzzi's" like I did last summer and wear a normal fun bathing suit from a trendy local boutique - not one that has a skirt attached to hide the fat. I want to be able to take photos with my friends and not hide in the back or think about what angle this shot is coming from and how best to camoflague the fat. I want to stop HIDING.
I want to be normal-- and awesome.
And so it's time. The hard work begins again. This time does somehow feel different. They all have in the past in some way of course. You always think- I can do this. And then you fail anyway because you weren't prepared for the long haul. But I've got the tools in place to not relapse now. And the things that have always set me back in the past - the things embroiled in emotional turmoil - well they're not something I have to stuff down with food anymore.
My knee jerk reactions probably haven't changed yet... but I know better. And it will be ok.
It's going to be like the marathon. I'm going to live thru the pain until I've achieved what I set out to do. I know how. It's time to JUST DO IT.
There will be more updates - more of a chronicle-ing of the training and the process. Maybe shorter. Maybe longer. I'm not sure yet. But I do know that I want proof of what I'm going to go through to do this. It's going to be nuts. But I'm going to do it!
I'm ready to bring it - finally.
Personal training starts on Tuesday and I'm spending my Friday night at the gym.
My weight has little to do with food and exercise. It has everything to do with not having an emotional handle on a few issues I won't go into here except to say that I'm done.
I've resolved all outstanding personal issues weighing on me - literally.
I can't being to explain how free I finally feel. They key has been to face everything. To examine. To live with it all. To own it. Owning it, is going to allow me to bring it. A little bit of therapy never hurt anyone.
I want to be able to shop at Anthropologie, and White House Black Market, and Ann Taylor! And I want to buy their clothes - not just their bags & shoes. I want to not be forced into obsession with make-up because I simply can't be interested in the clothes.
I am obsessed with shows like The Biggest Loser and I Used to be Fat. I want to feel pretty and healthy. I want to feel normal. I want to sit in a seat at a movie theater on a date and not have that be the most self-conscious moment of the night.
I want to go on a "tour of jacuzzi's" like I did last summer and wear a normal fun bathing suit from a trendy local boutique - not one that has a skirt attached to hide the fat. I want to be able to take photos with my friends and not hide in the back or think about what angle this shot is coming from and how best to camoflague the fat. I want to stop HIDING.
I want to be normal-- and awesome.
And so it's time. The hard work begins again. This time does somehow feel different. They all have in the past in some way of course. You always think- I can do this. And then you fail anyway because you weren't prepared for the long haul. But I've got the tools in place to not relapse now. And the things that have always set me back in the past - the things embroiled in emotional turmoil - well they're not something I have to stuff down with food anymore.
My knee jerk reactions probably haven't changed yet... but I know better. And it will be ok.
It's going to be like the marathon. I'm going to live thru the pain until I've achieved what I set out to do. I know how. It's time to JUST DO IT.
There will be more updates - more of a chronicle-ing of the training and the process. Maybe shorter. Maybe longer. I'm not sure yet. But I do know that I want proof of what I'm going to go through to do this. It's going to be nuts. But I'm going to do it!
I feel suddenly free
More Biggest Loser viewing... makeover week. My favorite, I must admit. So inspiring to watch these transformations take place.
Things have seemed to be in spiral for me since last Friday. Fantasies have been blown apart. Dreams died. I feel like those are dramatic statements, but also true. Then the holiday hit. But... I know everything happens for a reason and I think I've just created the space in my life to make the changes I've been rolling around in my head.
Some doors were quietly closed on me. And others, I slammed shut myself. There's that saying about how when a door closes, a window opens, or something like that... maybe I believe that, maybe I doubt it. Maybe it's something people tell themselves to feel better when they lose. Or maybe it's just another way to think about change because it reflects the truth of life-- and it's ultimate transitory nature.
Mainly, I feel suddenly free. And instead of it being overwhelming and causing me to derail-- it's creating a sense of calm, determination, will.
I might fail... but that's ok. And that permission, is all I need today.
Things have seemed to be in spiral for me since last Friday. Fantasies have been blown apart. Dreams died. I feel like those are dramatic statements, but also true. Then the holiday hit. But... I know everything happens for a reason and I think I've just created the space in my life to make the changes I've been rolling around in my head.
Some doors were quietly closed on me. And others, I slammed shut myself. There's that saying about how when a door closes, a window opens, or something like that... maybe I believe that, maybe I doubt it. Maybe it's something people tell themselves to feel better when they lose. Or maybe it's just another way to think about change because it reflects the truth of life-- and it's ultimate transitory nature.
Mainly, I feel suddenly free. And instead of it being overwhelming and causing me to derail-- it's creating a sense of calm, determination, will.
I might fail... but that's ok. And that permission, is all I need today.
It must be something about November...
It must be something about November... somehow my motivation appears in this month. It's a couple months post birthday, with some time in front of me before New Year's. These are big markers in my head for many reasons... birthday, and new year's. My last post was in November '09 ... I did a detox that helped me lose weight and made me feel great! I'm currently watching a Biggest Loser marathon from my ever so helpful DVR. Every time I'm re-motivated, I think "this time will be different" -- but even that's the same. The very same, every time.
There are too many things that I've finally admitted to myself that I want - desperately - for my life, that the weight is holding me back from. Even that's wrong. The weight is an excuse. I keep the weight around as something to hold onto, to blame for the things I want, that I don't have.
I know what to do and how to do it and how hard I need to work at it and what to eat and how to work out and I continue to just. not. do. it. I fall into in-action during personal stress. What is ironic to me is that professionally, I do the opposite. Stress in the office? A flurry of action ensues... lead by professional confidence. I lack the confidence to act, personally.
Years of being the best friend of the hot girl all the guys want to date. Years of shopping for clothes in non regular stores. Cute, nice, awful, fat girl stores. Years of not really fitting into seats at movie theaters, or on planes. Years of dressing in layers to camouflage the spare tire around my waist.
And what continues to be amazing to me is that - I've run a marathon. I set down my pride and got dirty and disgusting and showed the fat in order to accomplish this goal. I gave up drinking, smoking. I set a schedule and got the proper amount of sleep almost every single night because I knew I would need it on a long run on the weekend. I gave up almost every single vice I've got (barring things like, carbs, those were still allowed). And I committed to a running schedule that I stuck to religiously, in order to do the miles, and get that medal, and yet, I won't do those things... to have the things I really want-- way more than some medal. WAY more than some medal.
I somehow need to figure out that I don't have to give up a social life, entirely, to also be healthy. Because right now I feel the need to cut everyone and everything off again, so that I can do this. THIS is what I don't know how to do -- balance.
I hate the people that this is effortless for. I hate people who don't have this problem. I feel the need to disassociate. I feel a distinct difference from people when I start getting successful at this. And maybe it's a reaction to me, feeling differently. But it is not in my head-- people are different when I start getting successful at this. And I don't know how to handle that. And it leads me to inaction. That's my gut instinct. But I really do hate you if you've never struggled with your weight. It is, exhausting. And devastating.
But I'm 31 now, and I've accomplished some amazing goals for myself this year. And it's time to do this. There is no tomorrow. Too many people are gone. The crappy, materialistic, inconsequential and selfish reasons for wanting the weight gone, are nothing, compared to the legitimate health reasons this MUST be done TODAY.
I went to the hermosa beach 24 hr fitness on Saturday and my head was not in the game. I mean- at least I went. But I needed an iPod with the zone programmed into it. And I needed for there not to be a million muscle men there... one of which I may or may not have "dated" ... unconfirmed. And I needed to have left my phone in the car so I was not distracted with work.
I need to make time for myself. Say no to the things that I know will be bad news for this goal. And I need to find a way for it to be different this time...
There are too many things that I've finally admitted to myself that I want - desperately - for my life, that the weight is holding me back from. Even that's wrong. The weight is an excuse. I keep the weight around as something to hold onto, to blame for the things I want, that I don't have.
I know what to do and how to do it and how hard I need to work at it and what to eat and how to work out and I continue to just. not. do. it. I fall into in-action during personal stress. What is ironic to me is that professionally, I do the opposite. Stress in the office? A flurry of action ensues... lead by professional confidence. I lack the confidence to act, personally.
Years of being the best friend of the hot girl all the guys want to date. Years of shopping for clothes in non regular stores. Cute, nice, awful, fat girl stores. Years of not really fitting into seats at movie theaters, or on planes. Years of dressing in layers to camouflage the spare tire around my waist.
And what continues to be amazing to me is that - I've run a marathon. I set down my pride and got dirty and disgusting and showed the fat in order to accomplish this goal. I gave up drinking, smoking. I set a schedule and got the proper amount of sleep almost every single night because I knew I would need it on a long run on the weekend. I gave up almost every single vice I've got (barring things like, carbs, those were still allowed). And I committed to a running schedule that I stuck to religiously, in order to do the miles, and get that medal, and yet, I won't do those things... to have the things I really want-- way more than some medal. WAY more than some medal.
I somehow need to figure out that I don't have to give up a social life, entirely, to also be healthy. Because right now I feel the need to cut everyone and everything off again, so that I can do this. THIS is what I don't know how to do -- balance.
I hate the people that this is effortless for. I hate people who don't have this problem. I feel the need to disassociate. I feel a distinct difference from people when I start getting successful at this. And maybe it's a reaction to me, feeling differently. But it is not in my head-- people are different when I start getting successful at this. And I don't know how to handle that. And it leads me to inaction. That's my gut instinct. But I really do hate you if you've never struggled with your weight. It is, exhausting. And devastating.
But I'm 31 now, and I've accomplished some amazing goals for myself this year. And it's time to do this. There is no tomorrow. Too many people are gone. The crappy, materialistic, inconsequential and selfish reasons for wanting the weight gone, are nothing, compared to the legitimate health reasons this MUST be done TODAY.
I went to the hermosa beach 24 hr fitness on Saturday and my head was not in the game. I mean- at least I went. But I needed an iPod with the zone programmed into it. And I needed for there not to be a million muscle men there... one of which I may or may not have "dated" ... unconfirmed. And I needed to have left my phone in the car so I was not distracted with work.
I need to make time for myself. Say no to the things that I know will be bad news for this goal. And I need to find a way for it to be different this time...
I've never liked Vogue
The half marathon was almost a month ago. I haven't signed up for my next race- but I will soon... I'm debating Huntington or OC... Feb or May... My LB medal is hanging on the corner of my television. Sometimes I don't even see it. Other times- I stop and stare.
I cut out a bikini model from Vogue. I've never liked Vogue. Which is strange-- almost every female I know can't help but be engrossed in it. Or at least - like thumbing through it. Not me. I never have. Never. But I bought one at the grocery store last night. I figured out I've never liked it because I never thought I could have ANYTHING in that magazine. Not the clothes, not the shoes. And not the style. Because when you're fat-- you don't even want to dream about those things. You just know you can't have them. And that is easier than wanting. But I've put this bikini model up on my fridge and I don't hate it. For once, I don't hate it. I'm inspired by it and I think I CAN have that.
I'm "detox'ing" right now. It's Dr.-supervised :) Don't worry. I have my own little version of Private Practice. I feel amazing on it. I'm not hungry at ALL. The only hard part is balancing my social life. Detox consists of 2 protein/fruit shakes a day. Unlimited fruits & veggies. Lean meat every three days. (I've been making these amazing turkey burgers for that! Sooo good! And all-natural supplements. I heart detox. Really. I feel so good. I've been telling all my friends detox is over on 11/20- and we're going OUT. But I'm kind of even afraid of that now, I like it that much. Don't get me wrong. I still can't wait to have an amazing cocktail that evening. But that's the thing- it will have to be A M A Z I N G for it to be worth it to me now.
I lost 7 lbs last week... and I should have an even higher number this week on detox. WooHoo! I've met w/ a few dr's and/or nutritionists / wellness peeps and I really believe at this point- with sincere and steady commitment, I can reach my goals within 6-8 months. I put the total and complete weightloss at a year on the outside. And that is so inspiring and motivating for me. I don't have to see the finish line, but I do need know it's going to come. That matters a lot. Having an internal clock for the future- helps the now- significantly!
I'm determined. And not settling.
"...I've been leaving it up to fate
It's my life so it's mine to make
I ain't settling for just getting by
I've had enough so so for the rest of my life
Tired of shooting too low, so raise the bar high
Just not giving up this time
I ain't settling for anything less than everything, yeah
...With my heart wide open now you know I will
Find what it means to be the girl
Change her mind and change her world
I ain't settling for just getting by
I've had enough so so for the rest of my life
Tired of shooting too low, so raise the bar high
Just not giving up this time
I ain't settling for anything less than everything..."
I cut out a bikini model from Vogue. I've never liked Vogue. Which is strange-- almost every female I know can't help but be engrossed in it. Or at least - like thumbing through it. Not me. I never have. Never. But I bought one at the grocery store last night. I figured out I've never liked it because I never thought I could have ANYTHING in that magazine. Not the clothes, not the shoes. And not the style. Because when you're fat-- you don't even want to dream about those things. You just know you can't have them. And that is easier than wanting. But I've put this bikini model up on my fridge and I don't hate it. For once, I don't hate it. I'm inspired by it and I think I CAN have that.
I'm "detox'ing" right now. It's Dr.-supervised :) Don't worry. I have my own little version of Private Practice. I feel amazing on it. I'm not hungry at ALL. The only hard part is balancing my social life. Detox consists of 2 protein/fruit shakes a day. Unlimited fruits & veggies. Lean meat every three days. (I've been making these amazing turkey burgers for that! Sooo good! And all-natural supplements. I heart detox. Really. I feel so good. I've been telling all my friends detox is over on 11/20- and we're going OUT. But I'm kind of even afraid of that now, I like it that much. Don't get me wrong. I still can't wait to have an amazing cocktail that evening. But that's the thing- it will have to be A M A Z I N G for it to be worth it to me now.
I lost 7 lbs last week... and I should have an even higher number this week on detox. WooHoo! I've met w/ a few dr's and/or nutritionists / wellness peeps and I really believe at this point- with sincere and steady commitment, I can reach my goals within 6-8 months. I put the total and complete weightloss at a year on the outside. And that is so inspiring and motivating for me. I don't have to see the finish line, but I do need know it's going to come. That matters a lot. Having an internal clock for the future- helps the now- significantly!
I'm determined. And not settling.
"...I've been leaving it up to fate
It's my life so it's mine to make
I ain't settling for just getting by
I've had enough so so for the rest of my life
Tired of shooting too low, so raise the bar high
Just not giving up this time
I ain't settling for anything less than everything, yeah
...With my heart wide open now you know I will
Find what it means to be the girl
Change her mind and change her world
I ain't settling for just getting by
I've had enough so so for the rest of my life
Tired of shooting too low, so raise the bar high
Just not giving up this time
I ain't settling for anything less than everything..."
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