

This week I want to lose 3.6lbs. It is a hefty goal considering I've been on the 1-2lb/wk track. It will be ok if I don't hit it... but if I do-- oh if I do-- I will have lost a total of 20lbs since beginning this journey! And I want it- bad. And soon!

I am going to hit the exercise hardcore this week. I'm not setting foot in a bar. And I'm not setting foot in a restaurant- unless I know their menu like the back of my hand.

I figure if someone on Biggest Loser can lose 20 or 30 lbs in a WEEK by spending hours at the gym-- then I can do the same this week. Just one week. I'm not gonna go crazy forever... but I can devote one week to near-perfect plan-following to work it out.

And- the mere fact that I am saying "near-perfect" ... instead of requiring full perfection of myself- is actually a significant improvement in my terms of measurement.

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