
Team Jillian

I'm so tired... and a little "day-drinking" Sharkeez hung over... but so worth it- Fight On Trojans.

(Michelle & I showing off our SC face tattoos- yes, I apparently thought I was still 19.)

So, right now, I want to go for an extra walk/run right now but I just can't motivate to get out the door. I went this morning, and last night ... but I'm dragging on going again...Tomorrow...

Today, I ate a bunch of crap. (Which is why I made sure to get 1 run in this a.m.)
It wasn't really the alcohol that was a problem today-- which is what I thought it would be...
The bar food mounted up quickly on me.
All I can do is make time for extra workouts. But I had so much fun today- it was worth it! I'm ok with it. Well- I may not feel that way after weigh-in on Saturday- but today- I feel it was worth it.

And I figure, really, as long as I work-in the extra work-outs- I think it will be ok. I will have to push myself physically. I pulled my free weights out yesterday. I'm adding another layer... hopefully it'll do the trick.

AND-- most exciting- a new season of The Biggest Loser is premiering as I type! I'm so happy- and I can't wait for more "Team Jillian" inspiration!!!

Hmm- I wonder if I can make a shirt that says that...

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